
The skies exploded, literally, they exploded into a sea of flames that came directly from the depths of Hell itself, as all of the hatred contained in the circle of Lust burst out, razing the entire city in flames.

A guttural roar could be heard from a large white cube like building made of metal, and in that moment, the higher ups of that facility knew what had happened, Dorrak went berserk.

Dorrak himself was emitting an aura of pure bloodlust as he stepped forwards heavily, towards the incredibly disfigured girl. He undid the restraints that held her up and she fell directly onto the floor with a painful thud and a weak grunt from the sudden movement. Not knowing where to grab onto her to take her away, he just stood there for a while.

Meanwhile, outside the building, the city was burning down as demons fell from the sky as a large pair of eyes stared down from the clouds of fire and ash. meteoric fireballs fell down from the clouds, melting anything and everything that was in their path. People on the streets were being ravaged in all kinds of ways by the demons that fell, some were raped, some were crushed and some were tortured. All these demons were the ones from the circle of lust that had suffered under the horrendous pressure that their lord exuded now released all their pent-up feelings upon the living world.

Some people in uniforms tried to defend the citizens with guns, but they were soon overwhelmed by demons and meteors.

The eyes that remained in the sky saw many souls being pulled upwards, but he wasn't focused on that, he was more focused on the white cube, that remained suspiciously intact, despite all of the chaos that was happening. The eyes, which belonged to Asmodeus, were staring through the building itself, and towards a specific room, which just happened to not be affected by the horrid pressure that his eyes alone brought, as if he himself was deterring it from doing so.

Suddenly tears started to fall from his embodied eyes in the clouds, raining down and causing mass destruction, more than the storm itself. Below his manifested eyes, he began condensing some of his demonic bloodline powers into a small fist sized orb, which when finished condensing, was sent crashing through the building and landed in the bloodied room near his daughter.

Traytora's eyes lit up as she felt the presence of her father nearby while Dorrak got scared, finally realising what was happening outside, he didn't know what was happening but he knew he caused it, but that didn't mean he cared, after all, the people here deserved it. He then looked back down to see the little girl trying to reach out and grab the orb that had landed nearby.

He knelt down on one knee, picked up the orb, looking at it in shock and horror at the power contained within. Suddenly he heard a shout from behind him.

"DROP THE MYSTERIOUS ORB AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" A voice cried out with a hint of fear in it.

Dorrak turned his head to the side, which reignited his rage, as he remembered why this had happened. He gently turned the young snakes palm over and placed the orb there, once he was done he stood up, his bloodlust returning. He instantly dashed in front of the guard man that shouted and looked down upon him with malice. The guard shivered as he looked at the large minotaur in front of him.

The rest of the guards were also shaking in fear whilst pointing their guns at him.

"Unforgivable" Dorrak spat out hatefully to all the guards before him, when he suddenly turned the head of the guard in front of him into meat paste. The rest of the guards screamed in terror at the sight of their commander getting killed in one punch, they didn't even see how it happened.

With a spark of death gleaming in his eyes, Dorrak went and killed the rest of the guards before they could fire their weapons. He checked that there were no other guards making their way towards him, but all he saw was random people that were employed by the facility, laying on the ground, unconscious, whether it be his display of brutality, or the sight that was behind him, or what was happening outside.

He turned around and was shocked to see that some of the wounds on the serpent were burning with a special pink flame, that was slowly healing her wounds. He went over and crouched beside her and asked, "I'm going to get you out of here, will you be fine with me picking you up to carry you? I don't want to make you feel more pain than you already have." With concern in his voice.

Traytora managed to push her body off of the ground slightly, just enough to give the man before her a nod. With that, Dorrak carefully and gently slid his hands underneath her body and picked her up in a princess like carry.

Once he made sure that she was okay and that the flames that were healing her body, he flexed his calf's and thighs, suddenly jumping through the hole in the ceiling, leaving a trail of lightning behind him. He landed on the roof of the building and froze as he looked into the pupils in the flaming clouds above that stared down at him.

Asmodeus stared down at Dorrak intensely. Asmodeus knew that the minotaur below him was part of the capture of his daughter but seeing him helping her escape, he was conflicted. Yes, he was helping his daughter escape, but he was also part of the reason she was here, suffering, in the first place. He snorted, sending down a scalding wave of air that burnt all non-demons into the city and looked away.

Taking a deep breath, Dorrak was thankful that he was spared by this monstrous demonic lords' wrath. He quickly looked back towards the facility, where his daughter was.

"I'm sorry, my little girl, but I have to right this wrong that I have done, I'm sure you would understand." He spoke to nobody in particular, but it didn't go unheard, as Asmodeus heard it and took pity on Dorrak's daughter, who was now in the same situation as his own daughter, and decided to repay the gratitude of saving his daughter, by saving Dorrak's own daughter.

He sent a wisp of his soul to the young Minotaur cat, causing her to lose consciousness, but when she awoke, she would find that her Soul Scroll would be unlocked.

Back to Dorrak, he shed a few tears for the pain of leaving his daughter behind for someone he didn't even know, but it was in his nature to do this, so he left whilst carrying the serpentine girl in his arms, away from the towering city which was now covered in an infernal atmosphere that reached the sky, not letting any living souls that perished, go anywhere but hell itself. Such was the rage of Asmodeus.




After reaching far enough and finding a cave in the wilderness, Dorrak placed the girl that was in his arms, inside the cave, after checking that there were no other entrances and came back out, to let the girl recover from her injuries. He looked over to the horizon, towards where he just came from and all he saw was a slowly receding red glow, from where a technological marvel once stood. He sighed, not knowing where things went wrong, was it when he accepted that contract, or was it somewhere else? Either way, it didn't matter right now, all he needed to do was return this girl to her home in the desert.