Lust Magic (R18**)

Rushing through the trees and bushes to get far enough away from Dorrak so that he doesn't discover what I'm doing.

Eventually, when I think I've gone far enough I sigh and look around for a tree big enough to lie down against.

Sighing once again after getting into a comfortable position I let go of my twin erection as it sprang into full mast, already fully stimulated as my roasted stag meal had fully pushed past my erogenous zone and into my tail.

Leaking precum already and hot breathing I slowly use one hand to grab both shafts and started to pump myself off. Using my own precum as lubricant to help my hands slide up and down faster against my cocks, slowly but surely bringing myself to an orgasm to help calm myself down.

After a few minutes of stroking my cock's, I hear something moving in the bushes, startling me as I was in the middle of something, and as it had interrupted my I was annoyed. Staying still whilst preparing a spell to ruin the life of whomever disturbed my personal time.

The bushes nearby rustled more before a futa rabbit-kin came out of it, it had brown furry ears and a little fluffy bubble atop its naked rear end her tits were also pretty big, around the size of my head. It looked around for a few moments before its gaze landed upon me before it squinted its eyes, crouching and growled in an attempt to intimidate me. Unfortunately for it, it was just at the bottom of the food chain, plus it probably didn't know I was a snake as I had my tail wrapped around the other side of the tree, opposite the side from where it came from.

That's when I had a thought, this would be a great opportunity to test out some of my new lust related skills on this poor soul. Smirking I took my left hand off of myself and wiggled one finger and her, telling her to come closer as I activated my [Aphrodisiac Pheromones] to arouse her.

She just growled more at me as she took two paces back while I just waited for her to breath in the pheromones I was releasing. About ten seconds after I saw her eyes grow a little blurry so I started stroking myself and humping the air, using [Seductive Movements], in an effort to bring her closer to me, which worked, as she took a few steps towards me, sniffing the air and beginning to breath heavily.

I heard the rabbit-kin audibly gulp at the smell with hazy eyes, but ultimately, she started backing away. Scowling I summoned my [Lust Flames] and used [Fire Dome] to encapsulate the both of us in a hot, arousing environment. Scared and startled she went a bit feral, using magic to try and get out, when she realised that she couldn't, she looked at me and charged at me, knowing I was the one who made thing entrapping her.

At this point I was getting annoyed at this constant reaction of not wanting to mate, which is a rabbit's main instinct so I used the last ability, [Curse of Lust], when I did so, I could feel power flowing out of my eyes and into the rabbit-kin.


[You have inflicted the target with the "Mating Curse" causing them to be highly impregnable and horny beyond their normal limits.]

'Huh, interesting.'

"Nnggaaahhhh!!" I suddenly heard the rabbitkin moaning as I saw that she was convulsing on the floor with a small puddle beneath her shaking body. Grinning I got up from the tree and went over and got behind her.

She was currently keeled over with her ass sticking up in the air as her pussy was dripping with juices, which I happily leaned forwards to give a taste.


Mmm, taste like raw rabbit, time to dig in then~

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

"Ahh! Aannn! AAAHH~"

As I licked and sucked up everything that came out of this juicy cunt, I grabbed the part where her hips and legs met, hoisting her up so she could get a good look at my two cocks whilst I ate her out from above.

Soon enough I heard her gobble down the tip of my cock in her small mouth, eagerly trying to get a load out of me, just as I was trying to make her orgasm.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

*Slurp* *Slurp**Slurp*

We kept on slurping each other's genitals out but I was feeling like I was getting the short end of the stick as she could barely get my tip inside of her mouth, while here I was, digging her out with my long and slippery tongue as she constricted around it. Oh~ Seems like she's getting close, but I'm nowhere near close to finishing.

Pulling myself out of her, I hear her moaning in protest, but not stopping what she was doing.

"Hmph~" I snort at her pitiful protest at my abandonment of her dripping cunt but do nothing to get back to it. I wrap my right arm around her lower waits, pushing it into me, so that I freed my left hand to grab the back of her head, surprising her, and then shoving it down her throat, causing her to gag on it.

I really wanted to say 'This is what you get for not doing your job properly!' but since i was muted for a few years, I sadly couldn't, so I just resorted to just thrusting in and out of her mouth, using her as my personal fuck hole.

*Slurp* *Slurp* *Slurp*

She kept on sucking, licking and slurping at my cock as I went in and out of her, not caring about her lack of air in her lungs.

Finally, after about ten minutes of destroying this cocksleeves throat, I come close to orgasm. Again, I wanted to say something like 'Take my seed you cocksleeve!' but I was still a mute. So instead, I just pushed her down as far as I could and just shot my load into her, spurting thick ropes of my cum down her gullet whilst my second cock just came all over the forest floor.

After gaining post-nut clarity I realised that the fire dome I made was gone, and that I was suffocating the rabbit on my cock, so I just completely let go of her. She dropped to the floor with a thud while coughing out my sperm and trying breath in some of the aphrodisiac filled air.

Once she had gotten her breathing steady again, she looked up and me with an angry pout on her face, so I just smirked at her, causing her face to flush and pout more as she turned her head to the side.

Grinning at her actions, I pounced onto her, pushing her back against the forest floor, making her yelp in surprise at my actions, she looked at me with a red face full of hesitation and reluctance. I so badly wanted to tease her but again, I WAS MUTE!

Angry at my inability to speak, I impulsively bit my fangs into her right tit, making her screech out in shock and pain, however, I had my [Poisonous Bite] skill, which let me inject any type of venom that I had access to, and one of those venoms was, an aphrodisiac. As I injected the liquid directly into her body she started squirming under my weight from stimulation. I might be turning her into a masochist, not that I care, after all, I'm going to eat her once I've had my way with her.