Checking Skills... Again...


[Physical:] [+]

[Magic:] [+]

[Bloodline:] [+]

[Racial: (NEW)] [-]

[Succubus:] [Aphrodisiac Pheromones: LvL. 2] [Demon Aura: LvL. 2] [Demonic Rampage: LvL. 2] [Dual Cultivation: LvL. 1] [Enhanced Stamina: LvL. 1] [Illusion Magic: LvL. 1] [Life Absorption: LvL. 1] [Potent Seed: LvL. 1] [Stimulating Touch: LvL. 1] [Tantalizing Secretions: LvL. 1]

[Naga:] [Apex Predator: LvL. 1] [Elemental Scales: LvL. 1] [Intimidation: LvL. 1] [Paralysing Stare: LvL. 1]

[Soul:] [+]


Completely ignoring the other Skill sections as they haven't changed at all, I went straight into the new [Racial] Skills, some of which were pulled out from the bloodline section and now reside here, for some unexplainable reason. Anyways, onto the skills themselves.

They seem to be split into [Succubus], which comes from my father, and [Naga], which comes from my mother. [Aphrodisiac Pheromones], [Demon Aura], [Demonic Rampage] and [Paralysing Stare] I had already so no need to cover them again.

The new skills that I have yet to go over are, [Dual Cultivation: LvL. 1], [Enhanced Stamina: LvL. 1], [Illusion Magic: LvL. 1], [Life Absorption: LvL. 1], [Potent Seed: LvL. 1], [Stimulating Touch: LvL. 1], [Tantalizing Secretions: LvL. 1], [Apex Predator: LvL. 1], [Elemental Scales: LvL. 1] and [Intimidation: LvL. 1].

'Starting off with the self-explanatory ones that are new we have, [Enhanced Stamina: LvL. 1], [Illusion Magic: LvL. 1], [Potent Seed: LvL. 1], [Stimulating Touch: LvL. 1], [Tantalizing Secretions: LvL. 1], and [Intimidation: LvL. 1]. Those first two say everything in their name, as does [Intimidation], but the other three appear to be a bit more complex. [Potent Seed] appears to just make my seed incredibly fertile, regardless of any and all factors, but it also apparently acts as a rejuvenation method by giving anyone who consumes it energy. Weird but I'm sure there's weirder out there.'

'[Stimulating Touch] is also self-explanatory but instead of it only affecting the target, it also affects the user as well for some reason, don't know why it would do that, maybe because I'm a succubus, but that seems rather stupid. And lastly there's [Tantalizing Secretions] which is basically just the previous two combined, but it's still different somehow? Probably because it means that anything that comes from my body acts as some sort of aphrodisiac lubricant or something? That's the best I could come up with.'

'Thankfully [Potent Seed], [Stimulating Touch] and [Tantalizing Secretions] are all able to be turned on and off so I don't have to worry about any of that getting in the way of myself or others.'

'That then leaves [Dual Cultivation], [Life Absorption], [Apex Predator] and [Elemental Scales]. That last one also seems self-explanatory but I just can't help but feel like that's something that shouldn't be there. Regardless, let's check these out.'


[Dual Cultivation: LvL. 1] [Next LvL: 24%]

[Through the act of having intercourse with one or more partners, the user can gain experience upon reaching Level 2. Increases pleasure during the act of Dual Cultivation alongside methods to increase gains from this skill. Level this skill up by having sex.]


'Huh, so that's what that means. I can gain power from having sex, interesting. That will certainly come in handy. Next up is [Life Absorption].'


[Life Absorption: LvL. 1]

[Absorb 5% of the life essence of any living thing you ingest. Helps recover physical wounds faster.]


'That's... rather simple... Wait... That's why the mute timer went down! Oh! It makes sense now! But what qualifies as life essence? Wait, sperm qualifies as life essence, right? And I drank a lot of that last night, mostly from Cythistia but also a little from myself... Hmm... Hold on, if I combine this with my [Potent Seed] skill, will the effects of [Life Absorption] be greater than if I were to not have [Potent Seed] active? I'll have to test this out later.'

'Moving on from my own theory crafting, I took a look at the next skill, [Apex Predator].'


[Apex Predator: LvL. 1] [Next LvL: 5%]

[You are an Apex Predator. You gain proficiency in hunting and stealth, as well as a bonus to all stats that help when hunting (Only applies when attempting hunt prey.), which include; Strength, Speed and Agility. +5% Stat increase per level.]


'O-okay, so this makes me better at being myself, I guess? Not sure how that will help but hey, it helps me out so I'll take it. Last but not least, [Elemental Scales] which instinctually feels the most mysterious but logically seems very easy to understands.'


[Elemental Scales: LvL. 1]

[Generate a layer of Mana scales attuned with one of the users' affinities. So long as Mana is supplied these scales will continue to exist. Whilst this ability is active, skills that are the same element as the scales will gain +10% power per skill level and help increase the level of the skill that is used. Can increase an affinity if used enough.]


'That's... Actually, quite a bit to unpack there. First off is the obvious, it basically generates an elemental shield of an element of my choosing, that was the only thing I thought it would do but apparently not. The next thing is rather neat as well, which is if I was using this skill made of the fire element, then my other fire related skills gain some extra strength to them.'

'Then there's the last part, the part which might be what gave me that funny feeling, because it doesn't say that there is a limit to how high an affinity can go, so I might be able to increase my fire affinity, or even my lust affinity with this.'

As I finished reading over my latest skills, I smiled and leaned forwards, onto Cythistia's upper back, startling her slightly. She kept on walking anyways despite me leaning against her.




As the sun began to set, the three of us found a decent enough place to make camp. It had enough space for all of us to sleep and for a fire to be made in the middle.

We set up a fire, hoping that it would attract some more prey for us to feast upon, as I still wasn't full, that's the downside of increasing one's stamina so much, they need to eat a lot more to actually recover their energy to max.

Soon enough, a few fox-kin came by to see what the light was about and were swiftly turned into food.

After we had eaten it was decided that we would take turns to watch out for each other, mainly because Dorrak wanted some sleep tonight as he hadn't had any in a while.

This was the perfect opportunity to test out my theory on whether or not my [Potent Seed] skill would increase the effects of my [Life Absorption] skill.