Unfiltered Passionate Love 2 (R18**)

As the last ropes of cum left me and entered my lovers now overflowing asshole, my body collapsed on top of her, panting heavily.

I hadn't just fucked her ass, I'd also fucked and filled her lower cunt as well as her mouth, covering her body in my sticky white fluids.

I pulled out of her and flipped myself over to her side, reaching out my hand to hold hers, which was sprawled over the floor, just like the rest of her.

We rested there for a while, catching our breath while cum leaked out of both her cunt and her ass as her tongue was lolled out of her mouth, not having the strength to put it back in.

Once the both of us had recharged ourselves, we slowly got back up and looked at each other with a loving gaze.

Still panting, she asked, "Ready to get your pounding now?" In a sultry voice which made me shiver, knowing that her dominance was starting to show.

I somewhat meekly nodded my head in response and she smirked, immediately pouncing onto me, pushing my back against the wall.

My breathing became haggard, as did hers, the heat our bodies emanated further fuelling our lust.

"Get ready, cuz I'm not going to go easy on you, you'll look like a pile of slime when I'm through with you." She said in an even more seductive and sultry tone, making my face flush red as my body shivered in anticipation.

She slithered upwards, so that my face was level with her crotch.

I opened my mouth and she took that as me being ready, so she slammed her hips down, shoving her cocks as deep as they could go.

I choked at the sudden movement by my lover, she wasn't kidding when she said she wouldn't hold back.

She then started to gyrate her hips back and forth in short bursts, making sure to get my throat as wet as possible as quickly as possible.


*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

The sounds of me choking on her cock and her wild thrusting filled the cave.


*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

I then felt the thick masses of fleshy muscles inside my throat start to throb, indicating that she was near orgasm.

To edge her on I used my tongue and slid it between the two cocks and constricted them. She groaned deeply at that.

Eventually, she couldn't hold back anymore and let out her thick hot cum straight down my throat, all while she was still thrusting.

"Hah. Hah. Hah. Don't think I'll stop just because I came, I'm going to plough through this orgasm and keep fucking you endlessly!" She roared at me with a manic voice that contained a possessive tone to it.

As the last ropes of her sperm made their way down my throat, she kept fucking my mouth relentlessly, and without mercy, something I took great pleasure in.

Due to her cocks being sensitive from cumming, she soon came twice more, and I felt my stomach bulge from the sheer volume of cum she had pumped into me. Finally she pulled out and I coughed up some of the cum that had built up in my windpipe.

*Cough* *Cough*

After removing all that from my throat, I looked up to see my lover looking down at me with a satisfied smirk on her face, no doubt from making me look as messed up as I do now.

"Ready for the next part?" She said in the same voice she used earlier, making me squeal and squirm in affirmation.

She shoved me back down onto the stone floor, but this time aimed for my lower cunt instead of my mouth. I felt her part my walls with both of her thick, slimy rods, reaching deeply into me.

She started moving back and forth, thrusting into me with the same vigour as she did just a few moments ago when she was fucking my mouth. The squelching sounds of her sliding in and out of my wet pussy resounded all round us.

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

Still sensitive, she came inside again, but kept going. The hot ropes of her viscous liquids scalded my insides, making me instinctively squeeze down on her with my soaking wet cunt.

"MMMNNNN!!!!" I moaned, biting my lips in ecstasy, before I was suddenly attacked by Shirayaa's own lips, seeking to dominate my cum soaked mouth. I tried to resist but I instinctively let her dominate me, like prey that knows it's been caught by a wild predator which plays with its hunt.

Her tongue lashed out everywhere inside my mouth, mixing her remnant cum as well as our saliva together. She then started to snake her tongue down my throat, making my eyes roll back in euphoria at the foreign sensation of pleasure I felt from her doing so. It was like she was tickling my throat but instead of feeling like I was being tickled, it was more of a tingling sensation the sent shockwave after shockwave of ecstasy throughout my whole body.

She soon pulled out of my mouth and started nibling on the end of my ear, sending more shockwaves of pleasure through my body, making all of my muscles convulse and squirm, which in turn, caused my pussy to become even tighter than it already was. This sudden burst of pleasure made me cum from both organs as I sprayed the both of us with more of my semen.

We were both once more absolutely soaked in semen, my lower cunt starting to overflow now as it had reached its maximum capacity for thick hot liquids.

Grunting once more my love pulled her cocks out of me and stood upright, still cumming her brains out, and pumping both her shafts to release the last of her cum onto me. When she finished, she collapsed beside me, and we both clasped hands again, content with our sexual escapade.

We lay there panting for a while, before looking over at one another with smiles plastered all over our faces and love in our eyes. We kissed each other on the lips before we sat upright and started to lick each other clean of all the cum that we spewed onto each other. We were both painted white at this point from the sheer volume of sperm we produced today.

When we finished clearing each other's bodies up, all that was left was the gaping holes in our tails that were still leaking, so we decided to clear the others cunt out, giving one another one last orgasm to end the day before we huddled up together, coiling out tails together, and falling asleep