Who I am 2/2

Soon she started coming to. She had trouble opening her eyes just as I did so I held my hand over her head to help ease the pain from the sun. She eventually opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was my two limp shafts, which she decided to the lick with her tongue, surprising me.

I promptly coughed to catch her attention and then quickly placed my fingers on her lips when she looked up at me with an erotic drowsy look in her eyes. I had to take some deep breaths to stop myself from ravaging her again.

Once I'd done that, I looked back down at her with a serious look on my face. A face she soon matched as she got up slowly and sat beside me. We stared at each other for a while before she spoke up.

*Sigh* "Is this about what you did last night?" She asked.

I nodded, a solemn look covering my face as I wrote out in runes, 'That is who I am.'

She had a pensive look on her face as she digested what I said before replying with, "I don't get why you're so worried about it?"

I was startled by her response, evident from the look of shock on my face and a lack of me responding to her for a while.


I shook my head and asked her why she was being so calm about everything I did and why she wasn't disgusted with my true nature. A vicious and hungry serpent.

She replied with, "So? I know your're a serpent and that this is what your kind does."

I… I didn't understand why she was being so calm and so carefree about this.

'Why are you not disgusted by me and what I did?'

She looked at me and sighed.

"Come here." She gestured for me to come and sit next to her, which I did.

She then pulled me into a hug, resting my head against her chest, which was still half covered in semen, and spoke, "Just because you're a snake who eats people, doesn't mean you're a horrible or disgusting person."

I looked up at her, confused, and smearing cum on my face as I did so. She simply carried on talking.

"If I hated you for what you are, then I would have to hate our child as well, and I would never do that. Plus, it's inappropriate for one to judge others based solely upon what is considered normal behaviour for other races, after all, eating people is normal for your race, isn't it?"

I stared up at her half slimy face with a blank look on my face and a slight shimmer in my eyes.

"Look, if you're worried about how people, or more specifically, my family, will treat you, you can just leave them to me to deal with. I'll make sure that they don't ostracise you for being yourself."

I started to cry at the overwhelming love and affection that she gave me. I buried my face in-between her bosoms and cried my heart out. I was glad she didn't hate me or was disgusted by what I do.

She caressed my back and held my head while leaning hers on my own. We stayed like that for a while.




Sometime later, I got all my emotions out and stopped crying. I slowly pulled away from Cythistia's chest and strands of sticky jizz hung between.

I wiped it off and then used [Water Summon] to summon some water to wash myself down and clean up all the sperm that was starting to dry up. I offered to do the same for Cythistia and she accepted.

Once we were both clean, I used my magic to create some fire to dry us. When we were finished Cythistia put on her breastplate and gathered her gear, putting it on.

We then left the tent through the front, even though the hole in the side would have been easier. And the sight that greeted us was extremely bizarre.

The rangers were all sprawled all over the camp site, either on top of, or under one another.

Puddles of various liquids lay beneath their rear ends, a clear indication that most, if not all, of them were mating. I also saw that some of the other tents had holes in their sides with a pair of stags residing in them.

I look up at the sky and saw that it was past midday. Had we really slept in that late? I guess we did go at it for quite a while.

That doesn't explain why everyone was in such scandalous positions. I mean, why would they even be like tha- Oh… Right.

I forgot to turn off my Aura, which probably expanded the more we fucked, meaning it basically infected everyone here.





About an hour later, everyone was awake and processing everything that happened last night. Thankfully not everyone was caught in my Aura, as some of them noticed the abnormality and got out of its range.

They protected the camp from outside it until they saw my Aura go away, at which point, they came back into the camp.

Nearly everyone was tired, so we decided that we would stay here today and continue our journey to Athenela tomorrow.

While most of the rangers were tired, I wasn't and it was unanimously agreed that I would go into the forest and hunt something for dinner.

I asked for some rope so that I wouldn't have to lug everything back by hand, and then set off, with Cythistia joining me as she decided to tag along as she too wasn't very tired.

I asked why she felt that way and she said that she didn't know why, just that she wasn't. I shrugged and carried the rope on my shoulder as we made our way into the depths of the verdant forest.