Family Lunch

"DAD! Do something!" My cousin screamed as everyone laughed at her.

"No, this is punishment for what you did earlier." He replied.

She then started crying and whining to her father constantly, trying to get him to help her in her current predicament.

With a now joyful atmosphere, everyone started talking again. I was the main focus as they all kept on asking various questions about how I ended up in my current position as a soon to be mother.

I explained to them that I was out in the wild with my brother, searching for one of my cousins who was extremely spoiled due to being pampered by the whole family after his parents passed.

"Shit!" I yelled as I had completely forgotten about him after everything that's happened recently.


(Traytora POV)

"Shit!" The moment she said that I tensed up as I knew very well what happened to him, I killed and ate him after all.

"I assume based on your reaction that you forgot about him?" A man who I believed was her father asked.

"Y-Yeah, I forgot." Cythistia replied sheepishly.

All the while I was just trying to not look suspicious by continuing to eat the plate of food that I stole from one of Cythistia's cousins.

I'd managed to steal it by casting [Illusion Magic] on their plate and mine to make both of them invisible and inserting fake images in their place, after which I used my mana to lift the plates up and swap them over.

Once I'd put the plates back down, I dispelled the illusion and the rest is history. I'm pretty sure that some of Cythistia's family saw what I was doing but said nothing, wanting to see how this would end.

They seem like a pretty normal family, at least they look like it anyways. I just kept on eating to avoid attracting any attention to me. Unfortunately, that still wasn't enough as I heard the man who was sat on my right spoke to me.

"Hey, why aren't you talking with everyone?" His prominent youthful voice catching the attention of others.

"Oh, she's a mute." Thankfully Cythistia answered for me.

"Ah, I see. Wait how have you been conversing with her then?"

"Oh simple, she writes what she wants to say in magical runes. Show him." She gestured for me to show him.

I did so and conjured 'Hi' in fire runes out of my mana in front of him.

He recoiled slightly in shock as he saw what I just did. 'Is it really something to be so shocked by?' I thought as I looked at his expression.

He shook his head before apologising. "Sorry for spacing out there, I just wasn't expecting you to actually be able to do that."

I tilted my head in confusion, not understanding why he said that.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" He asked after seeing my reaction.

I just shook my head, not wanting to go down a rabbit hole. Unfortunately for me, Cythistia dragged me down it anyways.

"Oh, it's probably because she doesn't know what it means to do what she's doing."

The guy just stared at us suspiciously, saying, "What do you mean by, 'she doesn't know'?"

"Well, she used them so casually in front of us when we first met her, and on our way back she actually managed to make them function properly by imbuing her aura into them, allowing them to become the true runic language." She explained, everything just going straight over my head as I understood none of what she was saying.

I quickly shook my head and waved my hands in front of her and gave her a look that said, 'The fuck you talkin' 'bout?'

"Oh right, I'll explain later, it's a long conversation." She replied before going back to her conversation with her cousin.

I pouted and returned to my food, only to see the girl I took it from trying to take it back.


I slapped the hand of the girl trying to get her plate back from me and she looked at me with a pathetic pleading gaze that looked like it was going to break and start some waterworks.

"Hmph!" I harrumphed at her as I took a large bite out of the steak and made sure that she saw me eat it. I chewed it up making some moaning noises as I did so.

When I was done, I swallowed it, letting her get a good look as I tilted my head back slightly, giving off one last moan of satisfaction as she just continued pouting beget returning to her plate and eating whatever was left after everyone took their share.

Soon after, I finished my lunch and just sat there, not Knowing what to do next as everyone else was talking with one another, while I couldn't join in as I would just feel in the way with my method of speaking' as it would be in the way of other people's conversations, literally.




Eventually most of Cythistia's family finished eating and their patriarch, whom I believe to be Cythistia's grandfather, stood up and called for everyone's attention.

"First off, I'd like to thank you all once again for making it here." He bowed as he spoke before standing astute again and continuing.

"A big thanks to Kyristhus and Cythistia for providing all of the meat for this feast." Everyone gave their applause to the twins.

"And to Traytora, the serpent of the prophecy."

I tensed up when I heard those words. My father had always told me to never listen to prophecies as people tent to create them when trying to avoid them.

"With her, we can finally fulfil the prophecy!" An applaud erupted throughout the room once he said that. I didn't clap however, my face turning paler instead. Nobody noticed though, too busy celebrating the completion of this prophecy.




(Cythistia POV)

We finished having lunch and everyone was now heading out of the dining hall and going back to whatever they were doing beforehand. I however, was asked to stay behind by grandfather for some reason.

He waited until it was just the three of us. Me, him and his wife, otherwise known as my grandmother.

I was wondering why he asked me to stay behind when he suddenly called my name.

"Cythistia." His voice beckoned out in a much deeper and more serious tone.

"Y-Yes?" I stammered.

"Are you sure that she is the one?" He asked.

I stared at him in confusion for a while, not sure if he was talking about the prophecy or my future partner, so I asked him what he meant.

"Are you talking about the prophecy or my future wife?"

"Both." He responded.

"Oh, w-well then I have to say that it's yes to both then."

"Hmm, explain."

"For starters she can use the true runic language." I explained, which surprised them to the point where they got a shocked look on their faces.

"Really?!" I heard my grandmother cry out in astonishment. I just nodded in response.

"And as for your love life?" My grandfather inquired.

"Umm... W-Well, I-I like her, of course, because she's just so cute and shy, plus she's very attractive even at such a young age, a-also she can be v-very assertive at times, a-and she also just has a natural charm about her, a-and and..." I stammered out everything all at once in an extremely incohesive manner.

"Stop, I've heard enough, you can go now." My grandfather stopped me before I could go on. I was confused as to why he stopped me but he just shooed me away.

I couldn't exactly refuse the orders of the patriarch, even if he was my grandfather, so I left the room.

Once the servants had closed the doors, I was at a bit of a loss on what to do before remembering that I had to punish someone for their conduct earlier. After which I would return to Traytora and I could give her a tour of my home.

Just thinking about it was almost enough to make me squeal in delight but I managed to hold myself back to not embarrass myself in front of the servants.

But first, off to discipline that maid.