First Day at Work!

I was woken up by someone shaking me up. I grumbled as I slowly opened my eyes to see Cythistia wasn't next to me.

I shot up in panic, thinking, no, begging that I hadn't done what I think I've done. Thankfully she was just over at her dresser, getting ready for the day.

I turned to my left to see who it was that shook me awake and saw the same wolf kin from yesterday. No wait, this one feels a bit different, though I can't quite tell why.

I rubbed my eyes to try and wake myself up some more while slowly dragging myself out of bed.

"Would you like me to help you put on your new clothes." I heard a voice say next to me. It was a feminine in nature, but it also sounded rough and coarse, despite coming from a woman.

I looked over at the wolf-kin woman and saw that she was wearing a butler suit also. Not uncommon to find people like her that cross dress.

I nodded to answer her question and she went over to the table to grab a white fitted wrap shirt which wrapped around me tightly, but not too tightly, and was tied at the side of my waist. Alongside it was a deep red asymmetric skirt.

The butler? Maid? Not sure what to call her. She helped me put them on which was good because I've never really worn many clothes before, so having someone who knows how to fit them is nice.

She fastened the skirt up and tied the shirt up so that it didn't come loose.

"Traytora I'll be lea-" Cythistia began saying but stopped for some reason.

I turned to face her and saw that her face was flushed red. 'Oh I see, she's flabbergasted by how hot and sexy I look.'

I give her a knowing smirk. 'Hey! This is the perfect opportunity to use [Seductive Movements]!'

Realising that I could finally put this skill to use, I didn't hesitate. I slowly slithered over to her, swaying my hips as I did so, causing her to start stammering.

I licked my lips seductively and lowered my upper body slightly. When I reached the stag futa, she tensed up.

I pressed my body against hers and brought my arms up and slowly started to 'crawl' up her body until my face reached hers.

Her breathing was hot, as was mine. I was about to go further but was interrupted by the wolf-kin servant.

"I do apologise for interrupting your intimacy madams, but both of you have places to be right now."

I frowned at her words as my pointy ears drooped down slightly.

As for Cythistia, she quickly ran out of the room as soon as she could, her face as red as a tomato. When she left, I glared at the wolf-kin aggressively.

"Forgive me but it's half past eight and it'll take at least half an hour to get to the forges at this time. If you are ready, I shall lead you there."

I begrudgingly accepted and we headed off to the dwarves' forges.




Half an hour later, we had arrived. And with five minutes left before I would have been late.

I bid the wolf-kin farewell for now and knocked on the door.

Soon after the dwarf I met yesterday opened the door and greeted me. "Ah, jus the gal I's lookin fer. Ready to start yer first day?"

I gave him an affirmative nod and he led me inside.

"Ere, put this on first." He said whilst tossing me a red apron. "Red's usually the colour that represents newbie's, afer that is dark blue then ye have brown and finally black. That's the order of aprons in order of skill." He went on to explain.

"Mmm." I gave confirmation that I understood.

"Fer now you'll just be helpin out round the workshop by fetchin anythin anyone needs or asks fer. As fer yer fire, I'll call fer ya when I need it. Oh right, yer name, I'm Harmur."

'Traytora.' I responded.

"Mmm, go find Derik, he's been in need of some help recently. He's a brownie, that's what we call those with brown aprons. Head that way and you'll see him." He said while pointing in a direction.

I nodded and went towards the direction he pointed to find this Derik guy.

Along the way I saw many other dwarves hammering away at their workstations with blue aprons on. There were a few red aprons running around as well, most likely doing the same thing I'm about to do.

Eventually I see a dwarf with a brown apron on. I head over to him and observe him working.

Eventually he asks what I'm doing just standing here.

"What're you doin just standin there?" His voice deep and masculine.

I cough ever so lightly so as to not make my injuries flare up. He turns slightly to get a glimpse of me, and when he realises that I'm not a dwarf, he stops his work and takes a good look at me.

"Hmm… So, you're the newbie are ye?"

I nodded.

"Hmm, what're ye doin over here then."

'I was told by Harmur to come find and help you.' I told him. He seemed surprised like everyone else by my ability to write in mana runes.

"Hmm, well ye can start by bringin me that bucket of water over there, I'm nearly done with this dagger." He asked.

I obliged his request and went over to get the bucket of water and brought it back over to him. A little bit of the water spilled out but only because I'm not quite used to carrying these kinds of things.

He looked at me sceptically for some reason but shrugged and returned to hammering away at his dagger. Once he was done, he dipped it into the water. When he pulled it back out it looked really good but...

"Aghh, not again. Damn it! Why can't I get this bloody thing right?" He seemed frustrated at his work, even though I thought it was really good.

I pointed at the dagger and looked at him with a confused face, showing I didn't understand why he was so annoyed with it.

"Mmm, to you this probably looks like a masterpiece, right?" He inquired, which received a nod from me. "Well to you, yes this is fine but to me it's ain't that's because it doesn't have something that all masters like me dream of, and that's a soul. Aye, you heard that right, a soul."

I just stared at the dwarf in confusion, not understanding any of what he was saying, which he caught onto.

"Well, since I've got nothin better to do, might as well explain forgin to ya, take a seat lass, this'll take quite a while to explain the basics."

I nodded, but before he could begin his explanation, I warned him. 'Just so you know, if Harmur calls for me, I'll have to go, he'll probably want my flames.'

"Mmm, that's fine lass, he gave me a quick run-down of everythin yesterday. Now onto smithing."