Date (3/3)

By the time we arrived at the park it was around half past two, how did we know? It was because the sun dial that was in the park displayed that as the time. I would've thought we had spent longer doing everything but to be fair we did get an early start.

We then went over to the map of the park itself to plan out the route we would take. Once we did, we then headed off on that path.

The first part of our trek down the path we'd chosen was a flower garden, we weren't allowed to pick any flowers unfortunately but it was whatever. We took some time admiring the smell and the beauty of the many different species of flowers that were there. At some point we came across a patch of white flowers that looked like roses, and one of them seemed to be imbued with magic.

I was curious and, since it was fairly close to us so, I wanted to touch it to feel it's magic, but when I did touch it, it burned the tips of my fingers. I whipped my hand back, shaking wildly to alleviate the pain. Cythistia grabbed my arm and used her nature magic on me. It was then that I realised something, so I decided to ask about it.

'Hey, Cyth, I have a question.' I asked her using the nickname I'd given her.

"Sure, what is it?" She responded, smiling.

'When I woke up from my nightmares, and when my eyes were bleeding, I couldn't really tell what was happening, but when you told me later what happened, you said that your brother healed me. But you can also wounds, so why didn't you heal mine?' It might have been a lot but that question was looming in the back of my mind for a while now.

"O-Oh... T-That..." She paused with a despondent smile on her face as her point ears drooped down slightly. "W-Well, I probably could have healed them, but at the time my mind was in a panic and I couldn't think straight, so when I heard my brother calling out to me, I knew immediately that he could heal you with his forte in healing magic. Besides, even if I healed your eyes, they would probably be left with lingering side effects such as slight blindness, so it was probably best that my brother healed you as he has a higher experience with healing in general and wouldn't leave any side effects." Her explanation was a bit lengthy and had a bit of a sombre tone, but I understood what she was trying to explain.

I grabbed her hands and leaned into her body to try and comfort her a little, just like she always does for me whenever I'm having any nightmares in my sleep. She soon let go of me and embraced me in a hug which I returned in full.

We hugged for a while before I felt a cold droplet of liquid fall on my head. It shouldn't be rain as there aren't many clouds out. I turned my head to look up and saw Cythistia crying. I took my left hand off of her back and lifted it up to her crying face, catching her attention. She opened her eyes and looked at my face that was covered in worry, why was she crying right now? Was it because I brought up something I shouldn't have?

"I-I'm sorry... I... I don't really know why I'm crying right now, maybe just from too many emotions today o-or maybe I just needed to cry." She stuttered through tearful breaths, unsure as to why she herself was crying at a time like this.

I re-embraced her and just let her get out all of the tears she needed to, gently caressing her trembling body in an attempt to soothe her heart.

She stopped crying after a few minutes and I took her to see the rest of the park to distract her from whatever it was that was making her sad.

We quickly moved out of the flower garden and into the statue garden, where we saw many statues, obviously, as well as the history behind why it was made.

Each statue was made from a purified marble, and below it was a stone tablet which explained the heroics of these individuals. Most of these statues are tributes to them sacrificing their lives for the good of the nation.

There were a few which did manage to live their lives until they died of old age. One of these individuals was Cythistia's ancestor. The tablet went into great detail about the deeds he'd done in the great war.

And because we were here Cythistia paid her respects for the man. When she was done giving a prayer for him, she then asked me if there was anything I'd like to know about him, and she would answer as best she could.

I knew he helped greatly in the war and that he helped found the nation in which I now live in, but aside from that I don't really know much about him as a person. So, I asked her what he was like.

"Well for starters, he's the reason our family has the ability to be so attuned to nature at birth, as he was one of the greatest nature mages I know of. Of course, nature magic is still a rather hard thing to not only comprehend, but also have an affinity with. And because of his extremely high affinity for nature, that bled into his personality."

That was something I knew about, but didn't really know much about it. The magic one has an affinity for has the capability of influencing the user.

"So when he created the Velphine family, he made sure to imbue the value of nature into his children, my grandfather. And that's why we value kindness and peace over most things, of course that doesn't mean that we're pushovers as he made sure that most of us are still warriors like him, who want nothing but to defend their home and the life they have."

That's… very touching, although I can't quite relate to her, I'm still encapsulated by the explanation she provided to my question. He seemed like a very stoic man with rigid and good morals. Though, he seems to have passed since then.

I asked a few more questions and they were answered in the same level of detail as the first. I learned a lot about not only Cythistia's great grandfather, but also her and her family.

Eventually we moved on to the rest of the statues before we got into the rest of the park, which included a couple of nature trails that depicted various kinds of forests which made for an overall lovely and romantic stroll, where we made out in several spots, attracting the attention of the other park goers, but we didn't care because in those moments there was only us.

We then got through the rest of the park slowly, enjoying it and savouring the experience. And when we got back to the same entrance we arrived in and the sun dial displayed that it was almost six o'clock, so I decided to take my love to the last part of our date, dinner.