Love Inn (1/2) (R18**)

As we left the booth and made our way out of the restaurant, we said our goodbyes to the staff and told them that we were done and that we were leaving. They thanked us for choosing them for the evening and went on their way, as did we.

We got outside the restaurant and saw that it was getting very dark, mainly because of the clouds.

"So, where are we going?" Cythistia asked.

I giggled and replied, 'It's a secret for now.'

"Alright then, I'll wait until we get there."



It was a fair distance between the restaurant and our destination, taking us about twenty minutes to get there, but when we did, the shock on Cythistia's face was priceless.

The building we were now facing was named 'The Lustrous Inn' and is supposedly the best love inn/brothel in the city. Which doesn't really say much considering the fact that there's only about five other similar establishments. The only thing special about this one is that unlike the rest, this can be both.

"I… Hahh, I'm not surprised, given your character." Cythistia sighed.

I chuckled and led her inside.

When we entered the building the smell of aromatic incense, mixed with a weak aphrodisiac to help people in the mood.

The receptionist, who was a male snake-kin, greeted us. He was wearing a face cloth, probably to block the fumes of the incense.

"Hello and welcome to The Lustrous Inn, how can I help you?" His smooth deep voice rang out.

I had made a reservation here as well so I gave him the card that I was given to prove it.

"Okay just wait one moment while I check our logs." He said as he began sifting through a book log which presumably contained all the reservations that were made here.

And soon enough, he found ours.

"Ah, here it is, let me just get the keys to your room and you can be on your way." He said getting up from his seat.

He went over to the wall behind him which was just a load of open boxes with keys in them. He found ours after a minute of searching and came back to give it to us.

"Thank you and enjoy your stay." He thanked as he handed us the key.

We thanked him back before making our way up to the room I'd booked for the night, and entered as soon as we got there.

I quickly locked the door behind us and turned to look at the room, which was pretty basic when it came to design.

The walls were painted in a flat romantic red, the carpet was an erotic shade of magenta while the ceiling was just a flat white. Pretty basic if you ask me, but we didn't need much else.

As for the furniture, that was pretty basic too, with a bed that could fit both of our large bodies on it, a pair of bedside tables on each side and a few shelves dotted around the room with the incense on them.

Apart from that, there wasn't much else to the room, which was fine as that's all we needed.

I sensually slithered over to the bed and slowly began to undress in an erotic manner. When I reached the side of the bed, I leaned over to put my dress into one of the drawers, giving my lover a great view of my temping rear. I did all of this whilst utilising my [Seductive Movements] skill to make my lover as aroused as possible.

And it seemed to be working perfectly as I could hear a slow shuffling along with heavy breathing behind me. I slinked up onto the bed in all my naked glory, still facing away from her. Once on the bed I stretched my body in a way that allowed to see my figure in all its glory before I turned away again and throwing my body down towards the mattress while I left my ass hanging in the air.

I could hear the sounds of a gulp not too far from me, clearly, she'd made it close to the foot of the bed but still hadn't undressed, which she quickly tried to rectify, although very clumsily. I could hear the sounds of her trying to yank her dress off all while I could feel myself hardening in anticipation.

Soon I heard the sound of the drawer being opened, fabric being tossed inside and then being slammed shut as I felt the weight of the bed shift, Cythistia clearly getting onto the bed and ready for action.

I could feel her mounting my backside as her rock hard erection pressed itself between my rear cheeks, I could even feel something slimy dripping onto my back.

"Hahh... Hahh. Hahh..." Her breathing was hot and heavy as she rubbed her cock between my cheeks.

I then felt her pulling back to penetrate me. I bit my lower lips in anticipation, my ass trembling slightly with a desire to be filled.


And with a loud grunt she shoved her fat cock inside of my tight asshole. It had been a while since I'd been fucked like this so it felt good to be full once more.

"MMNNFFF!!!" I grunted in satisfaction.

"Hooo, that feels good, I forgot what it's like fucking your tight ass that always thirsts for my cock. I bet you want me to just start ramming you endlessly like there's no tomorrow huh? Well too bad, because I feel like teasing you tonight." She spoke like a vixen toying with her prey.

"Mmmnn~" I whined in discontentment as I wanted to feel her girthy cock filling my insides with her seeds, but no, instead she just pulled out slowly and then did the same in reverse, barely even stimulating me.

I tried to start something myself by moving my hips but she just slammed her whole body down onto me, pressing my whole body against the mattress.

"Oh no you don't, I'm in charge tonight." She said seductively.

I had different plans however, and I activated my [Lust Aura] along with [Aphrodisiac Pheromones] to make her lust skyrocket and make her lose control of herself. And it seemed to be working as I could hear her breathing becoming more and more laboured as she kept on inhaling the Lust filled pheromones that I was releasing that incited in her a carnal desire to breed whatever was nearby, which would be me.

"Hahh, Hahh, Hahh... Don't, Hahh... Don't think... Hahh... You've gotten me s-so, Hahhhhh~ E-Easily w-with th-this." I could tell that her will was fading as her instincts were taking over.

And I could tell not only because of her slurred speech, but also because of her rhythmic movements that were getting more and more sporadic as she kept on inhaling my pheremones.

*Plap* *Plap*

The sound of her underside smacking my ass cheeks started echoing throughout the room and by this point my mate couldn't even form words anymore, only garbled nonsense as if she was drunk. And then her will broke.


She started pounding my ass with everything she could, finally giving me the feeling I had been waiting for, and I immediately came from my upper pussy from overstimulation, wetting the bedsheets.

With the force from me cumming, my ass tightened up, squeezing down on Cythistia's cock, forcing her to plough me harder and harder with each thrust.


As she kept on pounding me I could almost feel her poking out my stomach from the sheer size of her cock.

"MMNNN~ MMMPPHH!!! NNNNNGGGG~" My moans reverberated all around us as she kept on thrusting in and out of my ass with full force.

"C-CUMMING!!!" She shouted as she gave one last powerful thrust that slapped my ass so hard that I also came again, and when the torrent of her semen came in like a volcano erupting, I came from both of my own cocks, staining the sheets white with my own semen.

She grunted as she thrusted every other second and kept on releasing shot after shot of her thick hot sperm inside of my ass and directly into my stomach, causing it to inflate from the sheer volume of cum she was depositing into it.

Soon her orgasm came to an end and she just let herself fall limply on top of me, her cock still buried deep inside of me as my stomach had become bloated with her cum. The both of us just lay there panting as we rested after that intense fucking.

"Hahh... Hahhh... Hahh..." My lovers breathing slowly got more stable, but at the same time, more primal, like she wanted to go again.

Not that I minded as I felt her cock hardening once more inside of me. I hadn't stopped releasing my [Lust Aura] or my [Aphrodisiac Pheromones] but even I was starting to lose my sanity from the aroma that filled the room so I cancelled both of the skills as I felt her reach a full hard on.

I licked my lips as I thought, 'This will be a pleasurable night~'