Rainy Day (2/2)

We were now resting in a tub full of pure cum, making it so that all three of the hot tubs were white now. A few more people even joined in making the tub white.

So now me and Cythistia were snuggled up together at the edge of the tub as we watched a male wolf-kin go at it with two female rabbit-kin while there was a succubus all alone on the other side also watching with envy as she fingered herself.

We'd fucked for a good couple of hours and it certainly wouldn't be the last time today, I'm already feeling a semi just breathing in the atmosphere alone. Coupled with the fact that I was viewing a display of sex and that my partner was right next to me, I was probably going to end up fucking her again before we left the pool room.

But for now, I was just resting here with her, our arms wrapped around each other.

Since we had nothing better to do, I decided to ask why she was so surprised earlier.

'Why were you so shocked earlier?'

"Huh? Oh right, well, I didn't think you knew how to swim. And the reason I say this is because I just assumed that all snake-kin didn't know how to swim, as I've never met one that could, that is until I saw you swim, how'd you learn anyways?" She answered.

'I learned from…' The runes I just made fizzled out quickly.

"From who?"

'My mother.' I paused as I remembered those days fondly and painfully. 'She taught me the basics, but my father helped me figure out how to do it properly.'

There was a melancholic silence when I finished that sentence.

'Why don't any other snakes know how to swim?' I asked to try and make the atmosphere less depressing.

Besides, while I get that not every snake would know or even want to swim, but surely there must be at least one in the city that does.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that for you, maybe you can ask Alisa? She might be able to answer your question."

My face scrunched up upon hearing that name, it made bad memories reappear, something I'd rather not remember.

Seeing my expression, she tried to fix her slip up by saying, "O-Or you could just ask any other serpent you meet, or something."

I took a moment to breathe and calm down before I told her that it's fine.

"R-Really? You're sure?" She stammered nervously.

I nodded my head and leaned on her shoulder. I couldn't really relax all that well with a threesome unfolding in front of me, so I just watched absentmindedly for a while.



I don't know when but Cythistia started fondling my left breast. I swung my tail under her and started stroking her cock with the tip like I did earlier.

We didn't take it much further than that as we continued watching the wolf-kin fuck the two rabbit-kin. Oh, the succubus was also fucking someone now as well. I couldn't see who as she was blocking my view while she faced away from me.




A couple of hours later, I had sufficiently fucked Cythistia and had been sufficiently fucked by her to the point that we wouldn't have a desire to have sex until we go to bed.

And after we cleaned ourselves off in the public baths quickly, we didn't know what else to do now as we had done practically everything we wanted to do for today. So in the meantime, while waiting for dinner to be served in the dining hall, we just took a gander around the inn.

And as we were wandering aimlessly, we came across one of the staff. It was a man dressed in the same outfit as the maids, except he was completely bare chested.

"Are you two looking for something to do?" He asked, his voice sonorously smooth.

We both nodded in response.

"If you're just waiting for dinner and don't feel like then might I suggest you go there now? A few of the other guests have started to play some games while they wait."

We had nothing better to do so we went over to the dining hall to play some games.



When we got there, we saw a lot less people than we did in the morning, but that's to be expected.

As far as I could see, there were three congregations of people, each most likely playing a different game. We went over to the closest group and saw that they were playing chess, I wasn't much into that sort of thing so I just moved on to the next closest group and found them playing card games, another thing I wasn't very good at.

Moving over to the last table and they were playing board games, something I could actually get behind. I went over to a smaller group, hoping that I could join them, and the person who seemed to be leading them looked up at me and shook their head.

'Okay so I can't join them, I'll just join anoth-'


'They just shook their head as well... What abou- Nope.'

I tried this out with the rest of them but nobody seemed to be willing to take me. That or they don't want me to play with them. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I sat down on a nearby table to sulk.

"Who cares about them? Why don't we just start our own game instead?" I heard Cythistia suggest.

I nodded and she went off to another table that had a bunch of boardgames. And while she was looking, I heard the sound of someone grabbing a seat on the same table. Which was weird because this was a table with only two seats. I turned around to see a female porcupine in the seat that Cythistia would sit in.

"Hey there hot stuff, why don't you ditch that horse and come be with me instead?" She said with an arrogant voice and a confident smirk on her face.

I just stared at her with a dead expression on my face as if to say, 'What the fuck do you think you're doing?'

"Whaaat~ I'm just saying, I'm a hell of a better pick than her, that's all." She said in the same snarky tone as before.

'One more and I'm gonna punch her.' I thought as my face darkened.

"Come on, don't look at me like that, you know who I am, and you've been with her so you clearly know I'm be-"



I hit her right in the middle of her face so hard that I think I cracked her skull. I held back and still injured her, just shows how pathetic she is.

"AAAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!" She screamed in pain from having her skull fractured.

This whole thing obviously brought a lot of attention to me.

"What happened?"

"She punched her."

"But why?"

"I dunno, they were talking then this happened."

"Wait, isn't that the maiden's girlfriend?"

"Is it?"

I could hear the people that had gathered around talking about what I did. 'And what's this about a 'maiden' anyways?'

Cythistia then burst through the crowd and ran to my side.

"What happened? I heard screaming then- Oh. Ohh..." She panicked at first but as soon as she saw the porcupine lying on the ground her attitude immediately changed to one of somebody who had done this before and was tired of it.

"Ughhhhh, I don't wanna deal with this bitch. Let's just leave now." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

"OI!!!! DON'T THINK YOU CAN LEAVE THAT EASILY!!! THAT WENCH HIT ME AND NOW SHE'S GOING TO PAY!!! AARRGHH MY HEAD!!!!" I heard the porcupine woman behind me shrieking whilst clutching her head.

"Ughh, I really don't wanna deal with this..." Cythistia mumbled.

She turned around and said, "Fuck of you spikey, overgrown hamster, you're nothing but a waste of your family's reputation. You don't deserve anything you have because you can't do anything to help our society, all you do is fuck around all day, literally and figuratively, and what does that accomplish? NOTHING! So go home and cry to your parents and see how they'll treat you, because it won't be any different compared to every, single, time you've tried to ruin my life."

Woah. I was not expecting that from her at all, and neither was everyone else. All of us just staring at her with a shocked expression, like we couldn't believe what she just said.

I was pulled out of my stupor when I felt my arm being pulled. I was then dragged out of the dining hall and back to our room.

When we got back, I was dragged onto the bed and brought into a hug as I felt my lover trembling. I hugged her back and did the best I could to comfort her by wrapping my arms around her waist and coiling my tail over her lower body.

Eventually she stopped trembling and I asked, 'What was that all about?'