Winter Eve

I came back home rather late after finalising my outfit for the festival. It was a tiring process to get everything right, but I did manage to do it in the end.

And to relax I decided to take a nice hot bath.

"Ahhh..." I gave out a relaxed sigh as I let my body sink into the soothing waters.

Ayuri was behind me giving me a shoulder massage to help me relieve my body from the stress that had built up throughout the past couple of weeks or so.

This was nice.




A while later I was woken up by the sound of someone else getting in the bath, seems like I fell asleep. I opened my eyes and as expected, I was greeted by the figure of a naked futa stag, my naked futa stag.

"Ah, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She apologised.

I shook my head and told her, 'It's fine, Ayuri would've come and woken me up soon anyways.'

"I know, I just didn't want to disturb you is all, you looked so relaxed and at peace that I didn't want to disrupt that."

I reassured her, 'It's fine, really, I'm just glad to see you again.'

"Me too."

I slid over and gave her hug which she returned and we enjoyed each other's warm embrace until we got out.

As we were drying each other off, she asked, "I assume that you're done making me that surprise. I also wanted to ask if you had something to wear for the festival."

I was currently using a large towel to scrub her lower body when I responded. 'I am indeed done with my gift, and yes, I have gotten something ready to wear, I'll be picking it up tomorrow evening.'

"That's good, I'm glad you got sorted out in time, otherwise you probably wouldn't have been allowed to go."

'Wait, why wouldn't I be allowed to go?' I asked in confusion.

"Hahh, for some reason, you can't attend the festival if you're not dressed for it. It's been a weird rule for a long time now, almost as old as the city itself." She explained.

She then continued, "Either way, you would have had something to wear as I prepared a backup just in case."

'Aww, that's so sweet!' I jumped onto her back and gave her a big hug.

"Ah! Traytora!" She yelled.

To placate her possible annoyance, I started kissing her cheeks.

*Smooch* *Smooch* *Smooch*

"Ah I can't stay mad at you when you're so adorable like this." She said before returning the kisses, giving way to a passionate make out session.

When we done, we finished drying each other off, got dressed and left the bathroom, heading to the dining room for dinner.

When we got there, Cythistia's parents were already eating.

"Ah, we were wondering where you were!" Kharinna greeted. "So, are you two ready for the festivities?"

"Almost mother, Traytora just has to pick up her outfit and we'll be all set."

"Good, good, I was hoping you'd be able to spend your first festival together. Do either of you have any specific plans or places you want to go to? If not, I could recommend some places to visit that we went to back in our youth." Kharinna asked.

Cythistia and I looked at each other for a second before looking back at her mother, shaking our heads.

"Well, I have a list prepared for this situation." She said as she handed a list to her daughter.

"Thanks mom."

"No problem! Oh, do note that it is outdated as the last time we went was decades ago."

The mother and daughter duo then continued talking about general chit chatty thing while we all ate. Despite not being part of the conversation, I enjoyed the atmosphere.




It was the next day and I wanted to prepare myself for the festival. Yes, I had my robes being made, but that wasn't all, I also wanted to learn more about the festival itself, normally I would've gone to the library but I didn't feel like reading today.

I grabbed a light jacket from my wardrobe as I thought it might be a bit colder than normal but no, it was only a bit chilly because of the winds. Either way the jacket was comfortable and kept the wind out.

I ventured out into the city and saw several stalls being put up along various streets, most of which were being decorated with snowflakes and other winter decorations, all of which I'd never seen before, and that made me realise that this would be my first ever winter.

I've heard about it in the past but this will be my first time actually experiencing it. I have a feeling I probably won't like it all that much but I should be able to tough it out for tomorrow.




I then spent the rest of the day wandering around an asking a few people for either some advice or information on the festival itself and came back to the manor being dressed up also by the servants.

It seemed to only be a decorative thing as they weren't putting up such decorations up inside the manor.

I'd made sure to pick up my robes on the way back as well, didn't want to forget such an important thing. I packed it away in my wardrobe for tomorrow and headed to the library to read while waiting for dinner.

Cythistia wasn't able to make it tonight as she was busy making sure that the city was in the best condition it could be. And although she couldn't make it, the rest of her family could, including her brother.

"So, you ready for tomorrow, eh? Sister-in-law?" Kyristhus asked teasingly.

I almost choked on my food when he said that last part. I still answered his question though. 'I think I am, I spent the day going around to see if I could find any spots of interest. I also picked up my robes so I'm good on that front.'

"I see. Well, it seems like you have everything in order, good luck with tomorrow then." Said Lycerous.


After finishing dinner, I went to bed alone as Cythistia still hadn't returned yet. I wasn't going to spend the night with my maid as I wanted to save 'that' energy for tomorrow.

I snuggled under the covers and drifted off to sleep.