Council Meeting

Staying behind with me is Cythistia, Arfos, two female stags, a male lion and two futa stags, all of us now lined up facing Tobreos instead of lining the path up to his throne.

"I'm sure you all are wondering why I asked you to stay behind." He asked.

All of us nodded.

"Various reasons, the first of which being Arfos." He called out to Arfos.

"Yes patriarch?" The man responded.

"I want you to apologise to Traytora for your insubordinate behaviour. You had no reason to treat her like that." Tobreos commanded.

"W-What? Why?" Arfos complained.

"Because you should not have treated her like that. So what if she's of demonic blood? She has been nothing but helpful, aiding the forgeries in their works, not to mention that she's also provided me with a great granddaughter." His voice becoming softer and more endearing as he spoke about my child with Cythistia. Seems like family is his weak spot.