
"I AM HERE!" The red troll announced in a deep growling voice. "AND I WILL KILL ALL YOU PATHETIC FOREST DWELLERS!!! AHAHAHAHAHA-"

He was cut off by a fist flying into his face, causing him to crash face first into the ground.

"You won't be killing anyone." It was Dorrak, his body clad in streaks of lightning darting all over him.

"Hoho! A challenge! I'll enjoy killing you! And when I'm done, I'll be killing that little princess as well." The demon troll boasted arrogantly.

His words instantly sent Dorrak into a frenzy as he screamed, diving headfirst into the beast.

The troll laughed as he swung his mace towards Dorrak with a wide swing. The Minotaur just snorted and grabbed the mace with his hands, send lightning down the weapon and into the troll.

"YYAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" He screamed out in pain as his body was subjected to torrents of lightning that covered him like a waterfall.