Running Away

"Stop. Right. There."

My body froze and the fire in my hand immediately went out as soon as I heard that voice. What was she doing here? How did she find me? Did she follow me? But how? I made sure that I went undetected and remained out of sight. How did this bitch follow me.

I turned around and there she was, with a huge red scar covering the right side of her face, going across her scalp. It was the porcupine bitch.

I clenched my hands, my arms trembling in rage.

'What are you doing here?' I asked her.

"What? Don't tell me you don't know? I've been keeping my eye on you since we left the city. Surely you must have noticed that, right?" She said in a sappy tone.

'What do you want?'

"What I want? I want you dead." She stated emotionlessly.

I stared at her with a gaze that said I don't believe her.

"What you think I'm kidding?"

I continued starting at her with a dead expression on my face.