
We jumped through the sandy entrance and into the boss room, which was similar in both size and shape to the previous one with a sandstone colour to it.

In the middle of the whole thing was an altar with a pedestal on top of it. We held out barriers up in suspicion of a surprise attack and the sand that might still be sat atop us.


We waited for something to happen but nothing came, no surprise attacks, no sudden change in environment, nothing.

We cleared off our barriers just to be safe and moved away and over to the altar just to be safe before we dispelled out barriers. And while yes, our barriers would be useful in case of a fight, they are fairly taxing on our mana and our mental capacity if we keep them up for too long.

After making sure we were safe we gave a sigh of relief.

"So, what is this thing?" Lily asked, gesturing towards the pedestal on the altar.

"Dunno. Some sort of mystical artifact maybe?" I guessed.