Godly Puppets

I dodge Hayly's sudden attack by sliding to the side and grabbing the fist that she tried to punch me with. I then use my new power and speed to spin around and throw her into a nearby wall with immense force.

The woman crashed into the wall and spat up some blood as she fell limp to the floor, most likely unconscious.

Really? Is that it? I was expecting some kind of epic fight, not… This disappointment.

Still, at least that's over with.

"HAYLY!!!" Lia screeched as she scrambled to get up and ran over to the collapsed woman on worry.

When she got there, she checked the woman and sighed in relief. Seems that she survived, which is good, I wasn't trying to kill her but controlling my new strength is not something I'm very good at right now, but I at least managed to not kill her.

Then I saw Lia perform some kind of magic on the unconscious woman, most likely healing her. Then she got up and walked away from Hayly towards me.