A VERY Horny Seer (R18**)

As Lia and I rested in each other's embrace, the smell and noise of our breathing must have woken Varia up as we could hear her grunt as she got up. I could tell that she was slightly disorientated by her lack of anything besides her light breathing, which I could barely hear after mine and Lia's own heavy breathing.

It took her a minute but she eventually shook out of her stupor upon smelling our scent, upon which she likely whipped her head round towards us. I wasn't sure as I had my eyes closed with my head hanging off of Lia's shoulder and lying next to her head.

"What the FUCK! You had sex WITHOUT ME?!?" She screamed in rage, more so out of annoyance for not being involved than the fact that we actually did it.

Still in a semi post orgasmic bliss, Lia replied with, "Mmm, sorry sis, you missed it. It was wonderful though, I feel that I could go the rest of my life without having sex, that's how good it felt."