Awakening My Divine Bloodline (1/3)

The first page that actually explained how to do this said that I needed to be in a safe place alone. I looked at the chamber around me with a blank expression. It felt like I was being mocked in some strange way.

Regardless, I kept on reading, learning about how to infuse the blood into my own and how to avoid any mistakes.

Once I finished reading, I started the process of setting everything up. I grabbed one of the vials out of the compartment and sat on the floor, coiling my tail in a circle around me, but leaving some space in between my tail and my body as instructed.

When I was in position, I double checked the instructions before proceeding. And after making sure that I was as ready as I could be, I began the process.

And the first thing that I had to do was cut myself. Enough to bleed all over the vial and completely soak it in my blood. The more blood you soaked into it the better.