The Auction (2/2)

The item in question was a rare meteor scale that shot down from the sky in the middle of the night and was appraised to have the [Space] element imbued within it. The scale in question was white in appearance and was about half the size of a palm.

But apart form that, there was nothing. Oh, there was the fact that the person auctioning this off was the same person who was auctioning off that egg rock I was interested in earlier.

But aside from that, there wasn't anything else of note in this list. And suer there were items that piqued my interest, there was nothing that really captured my attention like the rock and the scale.

And when I finished reading the list, I noted that only a few items had been sold. I went back to the top of the list to see which item we were on and sighed as it was only the fourth item and the egg rock was the eighth.

"Is there something wrong ma'am?" The maid inquired dutifully.