The Orphan

When I got back to the reception, there was a small wait as there was someone else at the front desk and a different couple, two females, one Lamia and one Naga, likely to adopt given how lovey-dovey they seem together.

I sat on the chaise next to the couple to wait my turn. They turned to look at me before returning to their conversation about adopting someone. Which makes sense, considering they can't conceive a child on their own.

Anyways, the person at the front desk, a somewhat short female Lamia, finished talking and came back with some paperwork that I was familiar with.

Adoption forms.

Seems that she's in a similar position to me from what I can tell. Maybe not the exact same circumstances, but she's looking to become part of the orphanage like I am.

I then proceeded to ignore her since I had no reason to talk to her and just went back to waiting for my turn to go up to the receptionist and inquire about the status of my admission.