First Class, Economic

It took me some time, and I ended up being five minutes late, but because this was my first day, I was excused for my tardiness.

That said, I was now attending my first ever official class at an academy of learning. I'd never gone to a school before.

The place I used to live with my father before he left and my home was taken back by the city was a rather small place. There were probably no more than fifty houses if I remember correctly.

And there was no school either. My father basically taught me everything I ever needed to survive. I never actually learned of any of our race's customs, nor did I learn much about economics, which is where I was now.

That reminds me, I should probably learn about the former thing so I don't fuck anything up. It'll probably be within history, but I don't really want to sit through all of that just to learn about our culture.

Ooh wait a minute, I could ask for a private tutor, yeah that sounds like a good idea!