Stuffing Myself Full of Lily (R18**)

"Okay, let's get started." She said as I turned my tail over and opened the scales to my lower pussy.

"Wait!" She suddenly stopped as her hands reached me. "Should I go in head first or feet first? Though in this case it would be hooves first."

That was a good question. "Uhh, depends on how you want to come out I guess?"

"I think coming out feet first would be more ideal, so that would be head in first."

With that said, she reached out to my lower pussy with her hands and dug into me, spreading my entrance apart before pressing her head against the opening she created.

My breathing hitched as she pushed herself into me and I did my best to remain still, but it was hard with all the constant jolts of pleasure that shot through my tail and up my spine as she did this.

Soon she was able to push herself past and get as far as her forehead in one fell swoop.