Returning to My Inheritance

Since I now had practically all the time in the world, I decided that I would now go round and explore the entirety of my Inheritance's treasury.

I had the luxury to do so now after all.

The first thing I did was top up on Gold, taking just a couple of handfuls and being careful to not make it spill over again. Which it thankfully didn't.

Once I'd done that, I was now left to explore the treasury freely, and without worry or restrictions.

I had no worries last time, but I was on a bit of a time frame since I had to cut it short. But now, I had nothing to worry about. I could spend the rest of week in here if I really wanted, but I wasn't going to do that since that would be dumb.

What I was going to do is spend the rest of the first day in the treasury here, then, on the second day, go into the left set of rooms where I can learn all sorts of things for my Subclasses, or as it's labelled here, 'Professions'.