(Ashtraz's POV)
That play was not a legend, or a myth. It was real. And it was my history.
That bitch stole it for her own gain. I know the truth though. And that's that this curse will never leave, will never be broken, and will forever remain.
At least, that's what it was supposed to be like… But none of them remained alive, nor were they able to spread their blood.
All that malarky about acceptance was nice and all, but it's total bullshit. She's just using that as a way to cover something up, I know it.
Either way, I now know that I must do this.
I wasn't born naturally. No, I was born from the resentment of Shandrakazaa, the girl portrayed in that play.
What they said about her cursing several people was true, but the lifting the curse thing was false.
I am a product of Shandrakazaa's hatred towards society made manifest.