Preparing for the Worst

(Ashtraz POV)

It had been around eight days since I started this journey, and I could see it coming to an end by tomorrow.

'Just a little bit further…' I thought to myself as my body teetered and swayed, almost collapsing from exhaustion.

I may not need to eat, or even sleep for that matter, but I think my mind and body has just become far too comfortable with my routine back in the city that it's unable to keep up with the sudden change in routine, or lack thereof.

Either way, this trek would soon be over, I could see the mountains coming into view, and even the sheer magnificence of their size.

With bags in my eyes and a hunched over body, I kept on slithering towards the mountains, where I would find my creator.




(Traytora POV)

It was the ninth day since we began out hunt, and we were nearing the mountain, just another twenty kilometres or so according to Gary and we'd reach the base of the mountain.