Resolving Urges (1/2) (R18*)

(Traytora POV)

When I came to, I was hit with a wave of pain all over my body. It didn't last long but it wasn't nice either way.

When it resided, I realised that my tail was being crushed beneath some small boulders. I tried moving out of them but they were firmly stuck in place.

That was when I noticed someone clinging to my body from my left.

It was Ashtraz.

She was hugging my waist tightly and resting her head on my chest. I smiled wearily and lifted my arm to pat her on the head, to which she responded by rubbing up against me and snuggling up to me even more.

She still seemed to be sleeping even then, so I let her continue sleeping. And as for the boulders crushing my tail…

That was easy, just had to teleport them away, or I could even try and manipulate them and make them float, which would train my control some more and also, if I succeed, not wake Ash up, since she seems like she's having a good rest on me.