Chapter 8: Encounter with Diablero

Alex and his guardians were walking towards their school when they suddenly heard a commotion. As they turned a corner, they saw a group of men in suits standing in front of the school gate.

"Who are they?" asked Tatsuya.

Before anyone could answer, the men noticed Alex and his group and approached them. "You must be the Luciano family's new boss," said one of the men. "We are from the Diablero family. We have come to challenge you."

Alex narrowed his eyes. "Challenge me? What kind of challenge?"

"A battle," said the man. "We want to see if you are worthy of the title of boss. If you win, we will leave you and your family alone. If you lose, you will have to surrender to us."

"I accept your challenge," said Alex.

The man smirked. "Good. We will fight here and now."

The Diablero family members each took out a weapon , to fight against alex and his guardians

Alex stepped forward. "I don't need a weapon. My fists are enough."

The Diablero members laughed. "You must be joking. You can't win a fight without a weapon."

But Alex wasn't joking. He charged towards the Diablero members and started throwing punches. Tetsuya followed suit and fought with his fists as well.

Angelo took out his bat, which started to glow and transform into a katana. He swung it at the Diablero members with precision, striking them down one by one.

Hayate used his guns to shoot at the remaining members, taking them out with deadly accuracy.

And as the fight continued, Alex noticed that the Diablero family was using their weapons to create distractions, allowing them to attack from behind. He quickly signaled to his guardians, and they adjusted their strategy. Marco and Giovanni moved to the front lines, while Angelo and Tetsuya protected their backs.

The battle was intense, but Alex and his guardians were determined to come out on top. With each blow, they grew stronger and more confident. In the end, they managed to defeat the Diablero family.

"That was easy," said Angelo, sheathing his katana.

"Don't let your guard down," warned Alex. "They will come back for revenge."

But for now, the Luciano family had won their first battle against the Diablero family.