chapter 9: "The Stolen Inheritance"

After the fight with the diablero family , Alex and his guardians were gathered in his living room, waiting for Vincenzo Marino, Alex's tutor and mentor, to arrive. Vincenzo had called for an urgent meeting, and Alex could sense that something serious was going on.

When Vincenzo arrived, he wasted no time in getting to the point. "I have some unfortunate news," he began, his expression grave. "The Diablero family has stolen the Luciano family rings. We believe they're planning to use them to gain power and status in the mafia world."

Alex and his guardians looked at each other in shock. The Luciano family rings were a symbol of their family's power and honor. Losing them was a devastating blow. "What do we do now?" asked Hayato, his fists clenched.

"We need to retrieve the rings as soon as possible," Vincenzo replied. "I've gathered information that suggests the Diablero family is hiding out in Japan. We'll need to track them down and take back what's rightfully ours."

Alex and his guardians nodded in agreement. They knew what was at stake, and they were determined to do whatever it takes to get the rings back. "We won't let the Diablero family get away with this," Alex declared. "We'll use everything we've learned from our training and take back what belongs to us."

Vincenzo gave them a small smile. "That's the spirit, Alex. I have faith in you and your guardians. Together, we can overcome any obstacle."

With renewed determination, Alex and his guardians began to make plans to travel to Japan and take on the Diablero family. They knew it wouldn't be an easy task, but they were ready to fight for their family's honor and prove themselves as worthy members of the Luciano family.

So they began training in their own way to get the luciano rings back from the diablero family and they thought it would be easy to take care of them again like last time but alex had a bad feeling about this upcoming battle.