chapter 17: the day of the battle

Alex and his guardians arrived at the designated location where the Diablero family was supposed to be. They were all tense, knowing that this was the day they would be facing off against the group that stole the Luciano family rings.

"Remember what we've been practicing," Alex said to his guardians. "Stay focused and stick to the plan."

As they were about to move forward, a group of people suddenly appeared in front of them. It was the Diablero family.

"You've finally come," the leader of the group said with a sly grin. "We've been waiting for you."

Alex and his guardians braced themselves for the battle ahead. The Diablero family was known for their strength and cunning tactics.

The battle began and it was intense. The Diablero family was skilled in both hand-to-hand combat and weapons, making it a difficult fight for Alex and his guardians.

Hiroto, the lightning guardian, was using his speed and agility to dodge attacks and strike back with lightning fast punches. Marco and Daniel, the cloud guardians, were creating dense clouds to obscure the vision of the enemy and using it to their advantage. Angelo was swinging his bat, which transformed into a katana, cutting through the Diablero family's weapons with ease. And Hayato, the storm guardian, was unleashing powerful bursts of wind that sent their opponents flying.

The battle was intense and lasted for what seemed like hours. Finally, Alex managed to take down the leader of the Diablero family with a powerful punch to the gut.

"You may have won this time," the leader coughed out. "But the Luciano family hasn't seen the last of us."

As the Diablero family retreated, Alex and his guardians gathered together, exhausted but victorious.

"We did it," Alex said with a sigh of relief. "We got the rings back."

But little did they know, this was just the beginning of their journey as the soon to be 10th gen family