Chapter 18: Unexpected Trip to Italy

Alex and his guardians were ecstatic when they found out that their school was planning a trip to Italy. For the first time since they began their training, they would be able to visit the homeland of the Luciano family. As they boarded the plane, their excitement was palpable.

When they arrived in Italy, they were greeted by the warm Mediterranean sun and the stunning architecture of Venice. They explored the city and its famous canals, indulging in authentic Italian cuisine and immersing themselves in the rich culture of the country.

One day, while they were wandering through the streets, they heard a commotion in the distance. As they approached the source of the noise, they saw a group of people engaged in a heated argument. Upon closer inspection, they realized that the people were members of a rival family, the Santoro family.

Alex and his guardians couldn't help but overhear the conversation. The Santoro family was accusing the Luciano family of interfering with their business operations in Italy. They claimed that the Luciano family was trying to muscle in on their territory, and they wouldn't stand for it.

As the argument escalated, Alex and his guardians realized that they were in a potentially dangerous situation. They quickly retreated to their hotel room, where they began to discuss their next move.

"We need to be careful," said Alex. "We don't want to get caught up in a war with the Santoro family."

"I agree," said Hayato. "But we can't let them walk all over us either. We need to show them that we're not afraid to stand up for ourselves."

"I think we should gather more information before we make any moves," said Marco. "We don't know enough about the situation yet."

After much discussion, they decided to do some reconnaissance on the Santoro family. They split up into teams, each assigned to gather information on different aspects of the Santoro family's operations in Italy.

As they worked, they began to uncover some troubling information about the Santoro family. They learned that they were involved in some shady business dealings, including human trafficking and drug smuggling.

Armed with this knowledge, Alex and his guardians knew that they had to take action. They formulated a plan to disrupt the Santoro family's operations and bring them to justice.

The stage was set for a showdown between the Luciano family and their rival, the Santoro family. Would Alex and his guardians be able to emerge victorious and protect the honor of the Luciano family?