I Can’t Help But Love You


"Where are we?" Igor asked when they came to a sudden stop and to a place that he wasn't exactly sure of. It was like the world had turned upside down and he was right here with his mate. 

Sure, he loved being around Tamiko as his mate. However, as the Lycan chief, Kosta knew it was his sole responsibility to make sure the Lycan prince was safe. There were no compromises with that, no matter what Tamiko said about their bond or what he wanted to make a reality. 

It was as simple as possible yet so complicated in the process too. It was just a balance that he had to learn to deal with bit by bit because otherwise, they would all be fucked up.

"A spot on the western border of Kawai that I found yesterday when I was coughing for places to go around with Danny. It is beautiful, isn't it?" Tamiko asked as Kosta tried to place a bearing.