You are making me want to kiss you

"Oh!! My head hurts," Summer said immediately after waking up, she looked at herself and noticed she was putting on a different cloth from the ones she wore to the party yesterday. When did I change my cloth? She wondered. Then she remembered when Xavier carried her to the bathroom, cleaned her up and changed her cloth. She blushed and smiled," Aww so Xavier saw me naked last night ", she thought to herself." Oh!! I need a painkiller, my head hurts", she said as she got up and went to the bathroom to clean up.

She took some painkillers and then went downstairs for breakfast. As she was about to enter the dining room, she saw Xavier and Cherish having breakfast. She turned around and wanted to run back to her room when Cherish called her" Aunty Summer!!!. Knowing she had been caught, she turned to Cherish and smiled" "How are you, princess?" Summer asked while touching Cherish's hair." I'm fine, Aunty Summer", she replied. Summer sat down, using her hair to cover her face to avoid Xavier's gaze. After breakfast, Xavier stood up and was about to head to his room, he stopped and then said" Summer come to my room now!!!.

Summer knew she was in trouble, she looked at Xavier with puppy eyes as she followed him to his room. " Why did you get drunk last night?" Xavier asked. "Am sorry the wine was too sweet, I didn't know it was an alcoholic wine," Summer lied. "Do you remember anything from last night?" Xavier asked. "No, I don't ", Summer lied.

Xavier knew she was lying, and he then tricked her. "Okay, since you don't remember anything from last night, then I will help you remember," Xavier said." Remember what?" she asked. "Well, you signed our divorce papers last night," Xavier lied. " Lies!! I didn't sign any papers last night, do you think I don't remember what happened yesterday after I came back," Summer said, laughing?

"Oh. I see, so you remembered everything, but you just lied that you didn't remember, "Xavier said, smiling. Summer then realized that Xavier just played her. She went closer to Xavier and started apologizing, "Am sorry for puking on you".

"Let's forget that you puked on me for now, why did you climb out through the fence.," Xavier yelled. "Are you crazy? Is your butt itching you that you can't sit your ass at home., Xavier said. Summer replied, "If you could stop yelling at me for one second, I could show you a much more fun and productive way to use that mouth of yours," she then winked at Xavier. Xavier got tired of her and said, "You can leave now, I need to work".

Summer winked at him and licked her lips seductively" You are being all cute and sweet, it's making me want to kiss you. She smiled and then went to her room.