Chapter 3: Queen Nadia

King Aric stood at the balcony of his chamber, gazing out at the sprawling city of Evaria. The soft glow of the rising sun illuminated the red roofs of the houses, the spires of the temples, and the walls of the castle. It was a sight he had seen countless times, yet it still filled him with awe.

But this morning, his mind was not on the beauty of his kingdom, but on the warmth of a certain person's embrace. Alia, his maid, had left his bed just a few hours ago, after a night of intense passion. They had been seeing each other secretly for months now, hidden from the prying eyes of the court and the public. It was a risk he knew he shouldn't take, but he could not resist the enchanting allure of Alia's emerald eyes, full lips, and smooth skin.

As he relived the memory of their lovemaking, King Aric felt a pang of guilt and fear in his heart. What if someone found out? What if the Queen discovered his infidelity? She had always been a jealous and suspicious woman, and he knew she had spies and informants everywhere. If she ever learned about him and Alia, the consequences would be dire, not just for them, but for the kingdom as well.

He sighed and shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He had a busy day ahead, with meetings and decisions to be made. He could not afford to be distracted by his personal affairs, no matter how tempting they were. He turned around and walked towards his wardrobe, ready to don his regal attire and face the challenges of his role.


In the Queen's chamber

"Speak!!" Queen Nadia demanded. Sending shivers down the spine of her hand maiden Eira.

"He sent for her again last night, your majesty." Eira answered nervousnessly.

The Queen Nadia had instructed her hand maiden to spy on the King. And everytime she reported back with the same answer.

"Get Out!!" The Queen hissed.

That night, as darkness crept over the palace, the Queen could hold her rage no longer. She summoned her most trusted advisor, an evil entity named Dagon, who had mentored her in the dark arts.

Since her earliest memories, she had honed her craft in the dark arts, with Dagon as her unwavering guide. Dagon, an enigmatic supernatural entity, possibly even a demon, had been her constant companion. Both friend and advisor, his presence in her life remained unquestioned.

As she beckoned, an eerie mist coiled and swirled around her, materializing into a distinct form.

"Your wish is my command, My Lady," Dagon intoned, a mischievous grin accompanying his bow as he took shape before Queen Nadia.

"My husband, the King, revels in an affair. I teeter between hurt, anger, and an odd indifference. After all, his stature grants him such liberties."

With a storm of emotions, Queen Nadia's voice carried her vexation, and Dagon listened with attentive calmness.

"What gnaws at me is not only his dalliance but also his choice—a mere serving maid. While I, his Queen, languish in idleness. Enlighten me, Dagon. Your counsel is invaluable. What path should I tread?"

"Do naught, My Queen. Hold your hand. Fate orchestrates a sinister play, yet if you heed my words, you shall emerge triumphant. For now, inaction is your greatest ally," Dagon advised.

"Nothing?" Queen Nadia's disbelief resonated. "I've watched passively as this unfolded. I summoned you, seeking a departure from this inertia."

"You solicited my insight, my Queen, and I have imparted it. The choice to follow rests with you. Remember, fate's scheme shall unfold regardless of your desire to intervene," Dagon's voice resonated, fading as he vanished.

The Queen stood in contemplation, caught between the allure of inaction and the pull of resolve. Would she truly remain inert?


Two lunar cycles had slipped by since Alia's monthly flow ceased. Two months without her usual bleeding, and she dared not entertain the reason.

In her humble servants' quarters, she paced, a heavy sigh punctuating her movements.

"It cannot be true," she murmured, grappling with the idea. The mere prospect of carrying the King's child sucked the air from her lungs. Yet, despite her denial, the truth was undeniable—she was with child.