Chapter 4: Pregnant?

In an unfortunate twist of fate, Alia found herself sharing the servants' quarters with Eira, a trusted informant to Queen Nadia. Eira's keen observation had caught onto a significant change in Alia's demeanor, prompting her to urgently report to the Queen.

Nervously standing before the Queen in her chambers, Eira struggled to find her words. "My lady, there's something important I must share. Alia... she's..."

Impatiently, the Queen cut her off, "She's what, Eira? Spare me the trivialities."

Summoning her courage, Eira blurted out, "My lady, Alia is pregnant."

The Queen's disbelief was evident as she exclaimed, "Pregnant?"

Eira nodded, her voice steady now. "Yes, my lady."

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes, my lady."


Alia found herself lost in thoughts about revealing her pregnancy to Aric. She had discovered the news weeks ago but had kept it hidden, fearing the consequences if the Queen or the castle inhabitants were to uncover the truth.

The potential revelation of the King's infidelity loomed heavily. Alia grappled with the turmoil within her mind, knowing that she couldn't conceal her pregnancy indefinitely – she would eventually have to confide in Aric.


In her chamber, Queen Nadia paced back and forth, her mind deep in contemplation. Normally, she relied on Dagon's dark powers to manipulate situations to her advantage. Yet, the revelation of Alia carrying her husband's child had rattled her control.

"The instruction was to let matters unfold, and now a mere maid bears my husband's child," the Queen hissed in frustration, her anger palpable.

Before her stood Dagon, a mentor in the Dark arts. "My Queen, I did warn you that fate has its own way of playing."

"Fate?" the Queen snapped, her temper flaring.

Dagon remained composed. "Indeed, my Queen. Even I cannot alter fate, But you have the power to shape it according to your will."

"I want that maid obliterated from existence."

Dagon's response was measured.

"Unfortunately, killing her is not a viable solution, my lady. Not while her child possesses significance that benefits me."

The Queen demanded answers. "What makes her child so special?"

"Her child is intertwined with ancient prophecies, foretelling a shift in power. I aim to harness this potential for my own purpose – ushering in an era of darkness and control."

The Queen's anger flared anew. "And what about me? Will I let this child jeopardize my rule?"

Dagon's smile was eerie. "Fear not, my Queen. You possess the means to shape fate. By nurturing the child under your influence, you can steer its destiny. With my guidance, it will serve your ambitions."

Contemplating her options, the Queen weighed Dagon's words.

"Very well, Dagon," she declared, determination resurfacing. "I will cooperate, but only if you grant me the means to safeguard my reign and ensure the child aligns with my purpose."

Dagon's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Agreed, my Queen. Together, we shall manipulate destiny. However, remember the path ahead will be perilous, demanding sacrifices. Are you prepared?"

Unflinching, the Queen met Dagon's gaze. "I'll do whatever it takes to secure my power."