Chapter 11: Secrets and Promises

Alia's gaze remained fixed on her son, Ethan, as he swung the axe with determined strength at the hefty log of wood. Despite his tender age of just ten years, he displayed the prowess of a grown man in the making.

With each precise swing, he mirrored his father more and more. The sunlight played on his tanned skin, accentuating the glistening sweat trickling down his forehead. His brows furrowed, and his troubled sapphire blue eyes betrayed a storm of emotions. Alia sensed his turmoil, but felt powerless to address it.

Concern edged into her voice as she finally spoke, "Ethan, is everything all right?"

Ethan halted his rhythmic chopping, turning to meet his mother's gaze. His eyes, a blend of anger and confusion. Persistently, he inquired with a familiar question that had become a haunting echo.

"Mama, why do we have to stay hidden in these woods? Why can't we live in the village like everyone else?"

Alia sighed, knowing that there conversation would end how it always did. "Ethan, we can't live in the village because it isn't safe for us. You're special, and there are people who would want to harm you if they knew who you were."

"What makes me so special?" Ethan asked, his tone petulant.

"You have a gift, Ethan. A power that must be kept secret until you're old enough to understand it," Alia explained.

Ethan swung the axe again, still visibly upset. "Is that why I keep having nightmares, Mama?"

Alia hesitated, unsure of what to say. "They're just dreams, Ethan. They don't mean anything."

"That's not true. They feel real, Mama. I keep seeing dreadful things. I despise this! I hate everything! And I want to know what's happening to me!"

Ethan's shout resonated, followed by a resolute swing of the axe, cleaving not only the wood but also the rock beneath.

"Please, Ethan, try to calm down," Alia's voice, soothing yet strained, urged her son. "I know you're struggling, and it pains me too, but we must find a way to remain composed."

Ethan wiped his face with his sleeve and took a deep breath. "I just want to know the truth, Mama. Please."

Alia paused, wondering if she should tell her son everything. But she knew that she couldn't, not yet. "Ethan, I promise that when the time is right, I'll tell you everything. But for now, you must trust me and know that I'm doing what's best for us."

Ethan picked up the axe, silently resuming his wood-chopping task. Alia observed, her heart heavy with a mixture of sorrow and guilt. She acknowledged that she wasn't divulging the entire truth to him, but she felt compelled to shield him from the harsh reality.

As he chopped away, she prayed that someday she would be able to tell him everything he deserved to know.

She turned away from Ethan and walked towards their small cabin, taking a deep breath to steady herself. She needed to distract herself from the pain and guilt she felt, so she began to rummage around for something to cook for dinner. As she searched through their meager supplies, she heard Ethan walk into the cabin, still carrying the axe.

"Mama, can I help you make dinner?" he asked, his voice softer now.

Alia turned to face him, surprised by his sudden change in demeanor. She nodded, "Of course, Ethan. We can make our favorite dish--grilled fish and vegetables."

As they worked in silence, Alia couldn't help but glance at her son from time to time, still worried about him. She knew that the nightmares must have been terrifying, and it pained her to see him struggling. But she also knew that revealing any information to him right now could put them both in danger.

After dinner, they sat outside the cabin as the sun began to set. Ethan rested his head on her lap, staring up at the stars twinkling in the sky.

"Mama, do you think we'll ever leave this place?" Ethan asked quietly.

Alia hesitated, unsure of what to say. But she knew that she needed to give him hope. "Someday, Ethan. Someday we'll be able to leave and live a normal life. But for now, we need to focus on staying safe."

Ethan nodded, his eyes growing heavy as he drifted into slumber. Alia's touch reassured him, as she stroked his hair, the weight of her responsibilities pressing heavily upon her. She resolved to remain vigilant, safeguarding Ethan from those who might seek to harm him. Beneath the starlit sky, as the universe seemed to listen, Alia silently pledged to shield Ethan with every ounce of her being.