Chapter 12: The Sword Prince

Nefarion, the Crown Prince of the realm, reclined upon a lavish cushioned bench, his penetrating obsidian eyes fixed upon the training field.

Around him, his fellow peers stumbled and struggled with their brand-new swords, their clumsy efforts causing Nefarion's expression to remain impassive.

This was the first day they were permitted to use authentic swords, and Nefarion was unimpressed.

The notion of wielding authentic swords held no allure for him.

Months of tireless practice and self-instruction had honed Nefarion's sword skills to a razor's edge, rendering him disinterested in the fledgling attempts of his companions.

His handsome face and lean muscled-body radiated a quiet confidence, indicating he was not one who participated in activities he didn't find interesting. Nefarion was the Crown Prince, and he held himself with unbridled authority.

Yet, amid the array of novices, a stocky lad within the group sensed Nefarion's disinterest and seized the opportunity to provoke him.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" The young boy jeered, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "The Crown Prince himself. What's the matter, Your Highness? Too afraid to face a real sword?" His taunts elicited laughter from his group of friends.

Nefarion chose to pay no heed to the provocations, his composure unshaken.

"I suppose even now, your dear mother the Queen must still be tending to your every need," the boy continued, his words followed by an uproar of amusement from his companions.

Having tolerated enough of this nonsense, Nefarion decided it was time to address the buffoon before him. "Out with it then, chubby. What do you want?"

"How about a little spar?" the boy proposed, his grin growing wider. "It would be quite the thrill to best the Crown Prince in combat."

A wicked smile tugged at the corners of Nefarion's lips, mischief dancing in his eyes as he seized upon the opportunity that had presented itself.

"Very well, I accept your challenge," he responded, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "But I must warn you, I won't be holding back." he announced, his voice laced with a wicked resolve.

The sword master, having overheard the exchange, raised an eyebrow in surprise and beckoned Nefarion over. "Are you certain you wish to partake, Your Highness?"

Nefarion's devilish grin widened, revealing a set of dazzling white teeth. "Indeed," he replied, his tone suffused with devil-may-care assurance.

The sword master placed a sword into Nefarion's outstretched hand, the hilt settling snugly within his grip. And thus, the duel began.

The opposing boy charged forth, his sword lofted high, aiming for Nefarion's head with unrestrained ferocity. However, Nefarion's diligent training bore fruit as he met the onslaught with an effortless deflection, his movements fluid and precise.

On the sidelines, a hushed silence fell upon the assembled onlookers. Nefarion's prowess was nothing short of astounding. His movements carried a graceful elegance, his stance picture-perfect, and each step executed with a resolute purpose.

The boy attacking him grew increasingly agitated, each swing more out of control than the last. His movements were slow, and each time he swung, he seemed to be losing more and more of his stamina.

In the blink of an eye, Nefarion saw his chance and went on the offensive. His eyes glinted with pure ferocity, and soon each blow he lashed out with was on target, overwhelming his opponent.

As the fight progressed, Nefarion became more daring, his strikes faster, and his movements more decisive. The clang of swords was deafening, and each time the swords crossed, sparks erupted.

In a swift and brutal move, Nefarion sliced off four of the boy's fingers, leaving him gaping in shock and horror, his mouth wide open as droplets of blood dripped from his hand.

The sword master stepped in, stifling any further escalation of the situation, but Nefarion had already proved his point.

Nefarion walked out of the training field, beaming with joy, and a sense of self-satisfaction. He was exhilarated with the power he felt wielding a sword, the control he had over the weapon.

His handsome face that bore a hint of mischief now held an air of victory, truly fitting for a prince.