Chapter 13: Courtroom Drama

The news spread throughout the court like wildfire. The Crown Prince had chopped off the fingers of one of their own boys during a sword practice. And the boy's parents were both members of the court, known for their unwavering support of the Queen's rule.

Lady Isabella the boy's mother was livid when she heard of the incident, her rage boiling inside her like a storm. She demanded a meeting with all members of the court, including the Queen, and of course, the Crown Prince.

The meeting was called, and everyone gathered in the room, waiting with bated breaths for what was about to unfold. Lady Isabella the mother of the injured boy spoke first, her voice trembling with anger. "My son is a mere child, your Highness. He didn't deserve to have his fingers chopped off."

Queen Nadia watched her impassively, turning her eyes to glance at her son. "As far as I know, he challenged the Crown Prince. And he lost. So what do you expect, from me?"

The crowd was stunned into silence, not daring to speak; however, Lady Isabella wasn't done yet. "But your Highness, your son can't just do what he wants and get away with it!"

Queen Nadia chuckled, a cold and humorless laugh. "And why not? He's the Crown Prince, and he can do whatever he pleases," she said, her voice laced with venom.

The tension in the room was palpable as the courtiers shifted uneasily in their seats, unsure of what to say. But Lady Isabella wasn't about to back down. "Your son doesn't act like a Prince. His heart is filled with wickedness, just like yours!"

Queen Nadia sneered, her eyes blazing with fury. "You dare speak to me like that? It appears you may have overlooked your position."

The courtiers held their breath, waiting for the next move. But Lady Isabella wasn't afraid. She stood her ground, her eyes gleaming with a sense of unyielding purpose. "Your Highness, I assure you he won't always get away with the evil he does."

Queen Nadia's eyes narrowed, her voice low and dangerous. "You're hurting, so I'll pardon you. But never dare to address me in that tone again, or I'll have your head." she declared before rising from her throne and exiting, her movements a graceful display of authority.

The courtroom dissolved into chaos as the members of the court scrambled to leave, whispering amongst themselves about what they had seen and heard.

Undeterred, Lady Isabella remained resolute in her pursuit of justice. The Crown Prince would not evade consequences for the suffering he had caused her son; she was determined to take matters into her own hands and avenge her beloved child.

Despite all the tension and the anger that had filled the room, Nefarion remained calm and collected. He knew his mother would always protect him no matter what, and he enjoyed the fear and respect that he commanded. He was the Sword Prince, and he was ready for anything that came his way.