chapter 12:

Geno woke up to the sound of rain hitting the roof of his shelter. He opened his eyes and yawned, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from the previous day's exertion. He stretched and got out of his sleeping bag, putting on his clothes and boots. He walked to the entrance of the shelter and opened the door to look outside.

The rain was coming down hard, making it difficult to see more than a few feet ahead. The wind was blowing the rain sideways, making it almost impossible to walk in a straight line. Geno knew that he would have to stay in the shelter until the rain stopped, but he also knew that he couldn't afford to waste any more time. He had to get to Tokyo Area 49 as soon as possible.

He walked back inside the shelter and sat down on his sleeping bag. He opened his backpack and took out a map of the area. He studied it carefully, trying to find a route that would take him to Tokyo Area 49 without exposing him to too much danger. He knew that the area was heavily patrolled by the Neo-Punk gangs, and he didn't want to run into any trouble.

After several minutes of studying the map, Geno finally found a route that he thought would be safe. He packed up his backpack and put on his raincoat, preparing to leave the shelter. Before he stepped outside, he checked his weapons to make sure that they were loaded and ready to use. He had a pistol and a shotgun, as well as a knife and a machete. He knew that he might have to use them if he ran into any trouble.

Geno stepped outside and started walking in the direction of Tokyo Area 49. The rain was still coming down hard, but he had no choice but to continue. He walked for several hours, keeping his eyes open for any signs of danger. He saw several abandoned buildings and cars along the way, but he didn't encounter any Neo-Punk gangs.

As the day wore on, the rain started to let up, and the sun began to peek through the clouds. Geno felt relieved that the weather was finally improving, but he knew that he still had a long way to go. He stopped to rest for a few minutes, taking a drink of water from his canteen.

Suddenly, he heard a sound in the distance. It sounded like a group of people shouting and laughing. Geno knew that it was probably a gang of Neo-Punks, and he quickly got up and started to move again. He tried to walk quietly, hoping that he wouldn't be heard.

As he got closer to the source of the noise, Geno saw a group of five Neo-Punks walking towards him. They were all armed with knives and guns, and they looked dangerous. Geno knew that he would have to fight them if he wanted to get past them.

He pulled out his shotgun and fired a warning shot into the air. The Neo-Punks stopped in their tracks and looked at him with surprise. Geno stepped forward and aimed his shotgun at them.

"Get out of my way," he said, his voice cold and hard.

The Neo-Punks hesitated for a moment, then they started to laugh.

"What are you going to do, old man?" one of them said. "You think you can take us all on?"

Geno didn't say anything. He just tightened his grip on his shotgun and prepared for a fight. The Neo-Punks rushed towards him, their weapons raised.

Geno fired his shotgun, taking out one of the Neo-Punks. The others hesitated for a moment, then they rushed him again. Geno fought back with his shotgun, taking out two more of them. The remaining two Neo-Punks backed