Blackbeard was launched to the wall because of the Luffy's punch and Buggy's cannon ball fist hitting his face. Blackbeard was out of breath and in massive punch because of strength of those punch, Blackbeard uses Vortex to bring Luffy to him to slam him to the ground.
Buggy tip something inside of himself and he let's to energy flow to his fist, Buggy uses Busoshoku Haki without Buggy's knowledge what the energy is.
The punch launch on Blackbeard's stomach and it made him drop Vortex, Buggy grabs Luffy so he don't jumping back to attack Blackbeard.
" I will kill you piece of shit, you're the whole reason that Ace is going to be executed," as Luffy thrashes his body against Buggy that don't flinch when Luffy attack him to release hum.
" Strawhat calm down, attacking him is not going to free your brother so suck that angry so you can use on the way when we save Ace and I can deal with him." Buggy looks at Luffy with a serious face that Buggy don't use often and Luffy calm down.
Some people shouted that Magellan is coming this way, they don't want to lose anymore people so running away is the best option. Blackbeard decided to fight Magellan, but Buggy write something on Blackbeard's coat that says "THE KING OF LOSERS," Buggy is holding his stomach and holding his laughter.
Buggy also uses his Chop-Chop Split to make a clone that will last for 30 minutes and when Blackbeard is unconscious the clone will crave THE KING OF LOSERS on his chest because Blackbeard don't block it with clothing.
Everyone ran away expect Buggy's clone, he was sitting on the unconscious guard that he put in a pile, Blackbeard and his crew don't notice him, but the clone was waiting with bored expression.
Magellan has some bandages on his face, but it looks like the wounded that he was given were not a problem for him to do his job. He looked at Blackbeard and without hesitation he shot a large amount of poison to him and his crew.
The clone used Chop- Chop Slash on the wall so it will block the poison from getting coming close to the guards and Hannyabal. The clone quick carved on Blackbeard's chest " THE KING OF THE LOSERS," Magellan looks at Buggy and was going to attack him.
Buggy said " If it was not for me, Hannyabal and the other guards would be died because of your poison and the other prisoners would have kill them without mercy," Buggy had his smug smile that show that Magellan would attack.
" What do you want," as Magellan looks at Buggy with annoyed face, Buggy just said " I just want you to give us a 1 minute head start, that will be my payment for saving your vice warden and guards."
The other guards were going to attack, but Magellan stopped them and agree to the deal and he pulls out a stopwatch. He set it to a minute and said " Your minute will start right now," he push the button down and the watch starts ticking.
The Clone disappears from sights and Magellan was thanking Buggy deep in his heart for keeping Hannyabal and the other guard safe.
The minute has finished and the escape prisoners are on the stairs that had to level 2 of Impel Down, but Magellan was stay heat on their track. Buggy used his devil fruit powers to send his body parts to get the poisoned prisoners so he can cure them.
Ivankov want to see how Buggy save himself and Luffy from Magellan's poison and she saw that Buggy used his blood to cure the prisoners and Ivankov was shocked because how can some blood cure poison.
He thinks that Buggy must of have drink different poison so his body will create a antidote or make him resist to the poison. The prisoners that Buggy saved are now loyal to him and will protect Buggy at all cost.
Buggy gives Inazuma the sign to collapse the stairs, Buggy give Inazuma and Ivankov both his hand so they can cure themselves with his blood and he summon the Sphinx to kill all of the manticore that were in the way or killing the prisoners.
Almost all of prisoners are loyal to Buggy because he is saving them and protecting them from being killed, they see him as a God.
Magellan slowly walks that the group and ready to kill them, but Buggy know that Ivankov and Inazuma are poisoned and his hand give a bit of his blood to the two and they will be cure in no time. Buggy saw that Magellan was giving orders to his man to get ready to do something in the backup security room.
Magellan launches a Hydra to finish them off, but Mr. 3 uses his Wax devil fruit powers to make a wall to stop it from hitting him. Luffy ask Mr. 3 for a favor and make Luffy some wax gloves and shoes to be able to damage him.
Luffy do some good damage, but it was not enough so the launch some cannon balls for some extra damage and Buggy's hand came back with poison, but he just wiped it off.
Buggy leads them to the exit, but they find out that they are no navy ships that they can take to escape, but Jinbe has a idea and rip the door off to make a raft to take the strongest to the navy boats.
They get close enough to the boat that Jinbe used Fishman jiu-jitsu Water Heart Shoulder Throw and launch them to the sky to land on a navy ship. Buggy, Bullet, Lu Bu, and Sphinx K.Os every marine soldier and don't have to do much effort.
Buggy grabs two swords and reflect every bullet to the soldiers, Buggy with one swing of his sword knock them out. Bullet punch most of his opponents easily, he used his devil fruit to create a hand cannon to make things fun and launches cannon ball at the Marines soldiers. Lu Bu just catches the bullet and throw them back, he is warming himself by only fighting them with one arm and leg. Sphinx uses his brute force to crush this opponents and body slam them to mash, then eats the dead corpses.
They steal the ship from the Marines, tied up the remaining soldiers and their commander into a somewhat large raft that they made, Buggy take control of the ship and heads to Impel Down to get all of the prisoners.
Buggy:+ 100 points from defeating and killing 100 Marine soldier
Bullet: + 80 points from killing 80 Marine soldiers
Lu Bu: + 70 points from defeating 70 Marine soldier
Sphinx: + 69 points from killing 69 Marine soldiers
Total points: 319 points