The Escape

Buggy, Bullet, and Lu Bu come back with a navy ship to get the other prisoners, but he also saw that Crocodile has a second navy solid that they can use because they have almost all of Impel Down prisoners.

Buggy sends his clone to see how the escape of Magellan with Luffy, he can see some barely alive prisoners that were poison by Magellan and the poison looks more deadly then before.

Buggy used more of his blood to speed up the process of getting rid of the poison, in a couple of seconds they were stronger, faster, and more tough then they were previously.

All of them give their live and soul to Buggy who save their lives more than they can count, Ken told Buggy that he can summon the body of who was summon and put the soul of who is loyal to the host. The world will remember that they were always like that and they will act a little bit like the previous host of that body.

They run to see that Luffy and other prisoners were running away of a giant poison construct and all 40 included Buggy wall run to not touch Magellan and to get close to Luffy.

Jinbe has a plan, but they had to ben in the water to get close to the ship within a good distance so Magellan destroys the ship. Mr. 3 gets a candle wall ready, Luffy uses Gear 3 to enlarge his leg, and Buggy use Chop- Chop Slash to cut a piece of wall and put it in front of the candle wall.

They created a new attack called The Wall Crusher. The attack caused the Magellan to be push back to the wall, poison construct protected him from serious Injuries, but his body was starting to ache and bruise.

Luffy had turn into a small form, Buggy is using Chop- Chop Slash to cut the body of Magellan, but the poison construct was hiding them from his eyes.

Ivankov had a plan to go to the sea faster, he told everyone to grab his hair so the plan can start. He use Hell Wink at Magellan and made himself fly away to the sea expect the Buggy clone because Ken tells Buggy what's going to happen.

Jinbe called whale sharks to get them to the navy ship, Buggy was giving the prisoners a power up, their power level is almost that of a supernova.

Escaping the prisoners is not over because they still have to fight ten or twelve navy ship and get through the Gate of Justice. ( It's a giant steel door)

Inazuma is still down for the count, but Buggy opens his mouth so he can pour a spoon full of blood so he can wake up sooner. Inazuma's body is fine, but when he was poisoned he became extremely tired to move so he only needs to rest.

Suddenly the Gate of Justice opens for a unknown reason, but they had a chance of escaping. Buggy knows because his clone is seeing that Bon Clay was impersonating Magellan to have the door open.

The plan almost failed if Bon Clay don't stall time with the back and forth " Press the button," and " Don't press the button." Buggy had to hold his laughter because he knows who is Bon Clay, but the guard don't know and don't know which Magellan to listen to.

Luffy is angry because he knows that they can't get Bon Clay on time, but tell Jinbe to go back so they can get him. Jinbe knows that Luffy is emotional right now and he can't blame him because Bon Clay was a close friend.

They had some flashback about how he saves Luffy in the past and having a waterfalls of crying, " Bon Clay, I always have a saying and that is no man get left behind," as Bon Clay is shock to see that Buggy is still in Impel Down.

Magellan ready a Hydra, but before he can launch that attack, in a blink of a eye Buggy defeated Magellan and guards in less than a tenth of a second.

+ 750 points for defeating Somewhat wounded Magellan

+10 points for defeating 10 common guards of Impel Down

Buggy clone grab Bon Clay and with the same speed he defeated Magellan we were at the surface of Impel Down and throw his legs to Bon Clay so they can fly over the Gate of Justice.

" Buggy, thank you for saving my life because I don't know if Magellan was going to kill him cause of angry and I owe you one," Bon Clay give a shy smile, but Buggy give him hid classic laugh and smile.

" I only want one thing from you, JOIN MY CREW," Buggy shout that with pride and Bon Clay is shocked with Buggy's power level he would want him.

" Bon Clay, your a loyal person and you are willing to throw your freedom away for your friends, your one of the people I want in my crew so what do you say."

Bon Clay had more tears to come out because of Buggy's words and says " I am your new crewmember, Captain Buggy and follow you in your adventures," as they laugh on how professional they are speaking to each other and decide to have a drink later when they are on the ship.

At the ship, everyone is shocked to see Bon Clay escape Impel Down, but they are more shock to see that they are two Buggy. Buggy explains that qith his devil fruit he can split himself into two.

Even to add more shock, they find out that Bon Clay will be joining Buggy's crew when they save Ace from the Marines. Through with all of the shock, they were happy to see Bon Clay not sacrificing himself to his death or losing freedom and they were having a celebration for Bon Clay.

Buggy smile and Jinbe looks at Buggy with a new light, he thought that he was just a power hunger man, but he was wrong. Buggy might be dumb and silly sometimes and pretends to be weak, but when he is serious. He will finish the task and pretends that he was forced to do it, he is a guy that doesn't want to be seen as a good guy, but he will help in his way of doing things.

Crocodile is interested in Buggy because he heard rumor that he is decent fighter, but he will act cowardly. Crocodile think that the rumor were false lies and want Buggy to work for him.

Some people were scary because they had to enter a war between White Beard and Navy HQ. A transponder snail was ringing and Luffy pick it up and a man of Navy HQ was calling.

The man explained that Buggy was a crew member under Gold D. Roger, King of the Pirate that shock everyone on the ship. He is a sworn brother to Red Hair Shanks, one of the Four Emperors and everyone is losing their mind because of Buggy's background.

Everyone is curious on how he keep a long profile, the man tells that they can see that he don't have connections with "Fire Fist" Ace, but with two former warlords, Ivankov, and 28,458 prisoners they can tell that he has the same goal as Luffy save Ace.

Man's words were half trust because his only goal was to escape, but that change when he got the system and get full mastery of his devil fruit. Also get some gifts for change the story or whatever the system said.

+ 2000 points for saving Bon Clay

+ Gut's Dragon Slayer for get a few extra hours to save Ace

+ Mastery of all haki for defeating Magellan that was unstoppable in the original story

The Former warlords are calm and relaxed about knowing Buggy's background and that explains why he is so strong.

Luffy spoke about Rayleigh, Buggy is shocked that Luffy meet his previous Vice Captain, " So that old man is still alive, good to know that he is still kicking."

This made the prisoners more and more loyal to Buggy because of his past, Ken let Buggy do his speech and whatever makes him happy because he knows Buggy past troubles.

Jinbe and Crocodile are impressed that Buggy can change prisoners's mindset to trust him and sacrifice their lives, Crocodile think that ability would be useful in his future plans with Cross Guild.