Going to War

Buggy sees that his points are 3,079 that he had earn enough for three summons, but he can't decide to get a support, a defensive, or just ridiculous character that will help him out

The System/Ken suggested that they summon a character so they will be a spy for us, but also to make sure that not a large amount of people die because of the only reason is to kill just one man.

Buggy agree with the idea, so he spent 1,000 points to summon someone to the Marine sides and choose the option to find a character that is ridiculous or in Maine in the multiverse.

Summon's name: Popeye/ Frank D. Fiegel

History in this world: Popeye/ Frank D. Fiegel is a Popeye is a scrappy little seaman with bulging forearms, a squinty eye, and a screwed-up face, punctuated with an ever-present pipe in his mouth. His rank for the navy is Vice- Admiral because he didn't want to for the stinky Celestial Dragon that he has a large amount of hate towards them. Garp and Popeye are good friends, all of the Marineford respect him and some even fear him. His personality is quirky and manly, but has a heart made of pure gold, but he use his fist first then his head. LOVES EATING SPINACH. He enjoys his freedom and adventure he goes with his fleet, will share the spoils with his fleet.

Powers/ Skills:

Spinach Empowerment:

Absolute Strength

Absolute Speed

Absolute Reflexes

Absolute Stamina

Absolute Invulnerability

Absolute Body

Enhanced Lung Capacity



Body Manipulation

Muscle-Mass Enhancement

Malleable Anatomy

Anatomical Gyration


Erasure Immunity


Plot Empowerment


Temporal Rewind


Expert Combatant

High Intelligence

Cartoon Physics

Spinach Summoning

Naval Navigation

4th-Wall Awareness

4th-Wall Breaching

Buggy is dumbfounded that he give a overpowered summon to the Marine, but Ken/ System is saying that the summon can't kill the summoner or they will disappear.

Buggy spent another 1,000 points to summon and choice again the ridiculous option because they got a another overpowered character.

Summon's Name: Hater( Wonder over Yonder)

History in this world: Hater is a 1 billion berries pirate that had the Yomi Yomi/ Revive Revive fruit that give him the power to control soul lighting. His first mate Commander Peepers and with his eye eye fruit that made him eye man, but he can make multiple clone of himself with different personalities and identities called Watchdogs. Lord Hater is a tall, skeletal being. His face is a skull with ragged-looking shards for teeth, and his eyes are sunken in and have lime green sclera with black pupils. He wears a black and red cloak with a hood covering most of his head. Behind his head, two yellow horns in the shape of lightning bolts can be seen like the Watchdogs. He has skeletal looking arms and wears long, yellow, raggedy gloves over his seemingly clawed, four-fingered hands. Underneath his cloak, he wears underwear and black shoes on his feet. A secret member of the Buggy pirate and has a good relationship with Buggy, but they are not best friends because of his self worth issues. His personality is prideful, cruel, childish and trying to prove himself as a powerful person, but also just wants to have friends and not to be alone.

Powers/ Skills:


Electrokinesis: Hater can project green lightning bolts from his hands for attacking, torturing and/or killing his enemies, and to punish his minions for failure (especially Peepers). When Hater is completely have driven insane, he becomes immensely charged and liberally emits lightning bolts from his body. In this form he becomes unstoppable and nobody can't stand on his way.

Ergokinesis: As seen in "The Show Stoppers" Hater can use his energy to charge electronics.

Teleportation: Hater can teleport to different locations, which causes the entire screen to be lit up with lightning and burns up the immediate area he stood in beforehand.

Force-field generation: Hater can project a large indestructible force-field, what can cover an entire planet. In "The Picnic" he used it to keep out Emperor Awesome, his Battle Dinosaur, and his Fist Fighter army from a tower. In "The End of the Galaxy" he could project a planetary force-field to protect it from Lord Dominator's drill, which destroys planets.

Telekinesis: Hater can use his energy abilities to lift and manipulate objects and people.

Flight: Hater can also levitate and even fly through the air.

Superhuman Strength: Despite absence of muscles, Hater is incredibly strong physically and possesses a high level of superhuman strength. In "The Picnic" he easily smashed down the Fist Fighter army, grabbed Battle Dinosaur's tail and threw it to space and punched Awesome away from the planet with a single punch. Also in "The Greater Hater" Hater could easily lift a huge Dominator-Bot and collapse it onto Dominator herself.

Superhuman Speed: In "The Picnic" Hater could project very high speed, during he went up to the tower, smashing out Awesome's troops.

Superhuman Durability: As seen during the series, Hater is far more durable than a common skeleton. He could endure punches of very strong characters, like Dominator without falling to pieces.

Emotion Empowerment: Whenever Hater becomes incredibly enraged or encouraged, all his powers increase dramatically.

Thermal Resistance: Hater is incredibly resistant to fire, to the point of emerging from pools of lava virtually unharmed and survive lava-blasts from Lord Dominator.


Leadership: Like any dictator, Hater's an excellent leader and ruler, as he built up his own empire and nearly conquered the Galaxy (before starting his hunt to Wander). As his intellect, his leadership also was lowered in Season 2 until the last episode.

Immense Wealth: As shown in "The Bounty", Hater is incredibly wealthy, as shown when he offered a massive reward for Wander and Sylvia's capture.

Torture Intuition: Hater's Torture Room is full of Medieval and futuristic torture instruments and he often tortures prisoners (mostly captured monarchs, warlords and/or spies), or trespassers by the most cruel and sadistic methods till his/her death. Hater's sadistic inclinations went so far that he even makes remixes from their screaming in pain, as seen in "The Bounty".

Swordsmanship: As seen in "The Enemies", Hater made an epic duel with the dark half of the Sword of Synergy against Sir Brad Starlight, who had the light half.

Heavy rock playing: Besides ruling and conquering universes, Hater is also interested in rock, as he plays it several times during the series.

Singing: It's shown several times that Hater is a good singer.

Buggy is in impressed because of Hater's powers/ skills, but also how useful they are in battle. Buggy is happy that the system/ Ken gives him some overpowered character that will help finish the war without to many losses.

A transponder snail appeared in his hand and it look like Hater that they Ken/ System described, Buggy called Hater. Hater pick up and said " What do you need Buggy, I am doing something interesting," you can hear that Hater is eating some food and yawning.

" Hater, I need your help on saving Fire Fist Ace, we are going into war with the Marine, but I need your help."

" ALL YEAH, I been wanting to have some interesting happen, I will be there in 5 minutes and I will talk Peepers to get the Watchdogs ready."

The transponder snail hang up and Luffy told everyone that Ace's father is Gold D. Roger and even Buggy freak out that his captain had a son and he had met face to face.

When the Gate of Justice opened, Ken/ System sees a big amount of ship that are not Marine ship are a couple minutes away and he can see who owns the ship, Whitebeard, and Whitebeard use his devil fruit to flood the whole Marineford. Kuzan freeze the large wave and Ken/ System can tell that the war has started.