
Buggy use his devil fruit to quickly get to Marineford, a couple of minutes and they are there. " Alright everyone, remember to plan, Luffy, Jinbe, snd Ivankov will rescue Ace and we will make way for them and take down the Marines. If the plan doesn't get to plan then go to plan B."

Buggy jump down and run to Whitebeard to tell him about the plan. " Whitebeard, we have a plan to save Ace, but we has to work together and make the Marines focused on us expect Luffy and Jinbe. Also after this I will beat your ass for calling me big nose for years."

Whitebeard looked at the runt that he knows when Gold D. Roger was around and listened to the plan that the runt had. It's a decent plan to go with, but Whitebeard laughed at Buggy's last sentence and say " Sure anytime when I am still alive after this war."

Whitebeard allowed Bon Clay to touch his face for another plan if this one fails, thank to Ken/ System, Buggy upgrade Bon Clay's devil fruit to the point that he can copy someone devil fruit powers, special ability, skills,memories, even behaviors and turn it into a op devil fruit.

Buggy uses his Chop- Chop Slash to cut a giant piece of ice and throw to the enemy, it destroyed two Marine ship and defeat a few hundred of Marines vice- Admirals, Captains, and troops with ease.

Popeye destroyed the pieces of the giant piece of ice so it wouldn't hurt anymore Marines on the process of falling. Popeye defeated some Whitebeard and prisoners of Buggy with ease, but the number of them is still great. Popeye eats his Spinach and his power increases dramatically, Popeye is decreasing the number of pirate in a couple of seconds.

Back to Whitebeard's ship

Crocodile was ready to attack Whitebeard, but Buggy stop him and said " You can fight or kill Whitebeard when we are not in the middle of a fucking war, so get your ass down there and fight. Crocodile was going to attack Buggy, but Buggy had a point and also a bit scared with him.

Bullet use his devil fruit powers to use the bazooka and the cannons to make a exoskeleton to deal with the bullets and swords. Bullet quickly made quick work out of the Marines and it looks like a massacre happened.

Lu Bu used his spear to slash down, nothing happened for a moment, but wind is picking up and a large amount of air pressure goes toward the Marines. Popeye block the attack from hurting anyone, but it blow some people away from their original spot.

Lu Bu is targeting the cannons because it's slowing the process of saving Ace, he use the same attack to destroy the cannons and Lu Bu rush into the battlefield and easily defeat him.

Buggy is running toward the Mihawk and fight, but Luffy is easily losing to the fight, even Jinbe come in and lost to Mihawk in one attack. Mihawk was going to attack, but Buggy jumped in the middle of the attack and took the attack and got cut in half.

Buggy then use Armament on his fist to attack Mihawk, but Mihawk block the attack and was sent flying a couple of feet. Buggy use his Buggy Bomb on Mihawk, but he swing it back and Buggy is close for the explosion to effect both of them.

Luffy keep on running to save Ace, Buggy then use his full power and kicks Mihawk to the air, Buggy grabs Mihawk and the movement turns into a suplex. Buggy use his devil fruit powers to luanch his upper body for more speed and they crush to the ground.

Mihawk is barley conscious, but Buggy does a Saitama serious punch on Mihawk and Mihawk is luanch to the walls of Marineford, most of the people are surprised that Mihawk is defeated and also Buggy is so fast that Mihawk couldn't react to the attack.

The Sphinx wake up from the noise, it see that it's master is fighting the Marines/ people in white, so the Sphinx rushes in battle and taking down Marines in the thousand. Thank to the Ken/System, he upgrade the Sphinx's defense, strength, speed, and intelligence to super amount that it can almost solo the whole Marines force in Marineford.

One of prisoners got a transponder snail, the extra plan if it all fails, but Buggy knows that the Ken/System wouldn't allow that to happen. " Great job Caine, you will get a high position in my crew after this is done," Caine jump in joy and the other prisoners are congratulating Caine for his high position.

Caine starts the transponder snail to show the world the war that started to kill just one man. The world sees the chaos and the war is still adding on because Pacifista and Sentomaru in and join the war.

Another group joins in the war and a skull-shaped ship comes in and they can see that Hater, Peepers, and the Watchdogs are on that ship, the Hater Pirates also have joined the war.