The skull ship to facing the Pacifistas and Sentomaru, the mouth of the ship open, little eyeball creatures come out and stand guard and they are fully insync with each other.
One of the eyeball creatures with a hat that is shape like a lightning bolt, The creatures takes out a microphone to speak, it's Commander Peepers, The Evil Genius and right hand man of Hater , his Bounty is 950,000,000 million berries.
Green lightning bolts come out of the ship mouth and it scared almost everyone of that sudden sound add to the war. a tall, skeletal being. His face is a skull with ragged-looking shards for teeth, and his eyes are sunken in and have lime green sclera with black pupils. He wears a black and red cloak with a hood covering most of his head. Behind his head, two yellow horns in the shape of lightning bolts can be seen like the Watchdogs. He has skeletal looking arms and wears long, yellow, raggedy gloves over his seemingly clawed, four-fingered hands.
Hater move his hand into a sign to aim, ready, and fire. The waychdogs, Pacifistas has expressionless face, but Sentomaru was a bit pale because she knows that Hater Pirates were no joke, they attack kingdoms and conquer.
Hater seems to be a bad guy, according to the report of those kingdoms he conquered are actually better than before. Hater fixed all of the problems of the kingdom, the kingdoms became world power and some kingdoms let him conquer their kingdom to make him a better place.
The kings always are the left hand man when running kingdoms, but they were times that Hater just kills the King because
They were arrogant
They were scumbag
They don't get him respect
They were trying way to take advantage of him
The list goes on
So if you don't match the description, then you are going to live and also get a high position to the kingdom. Sentomaru get his order to fire and also Hater get the order to fire. Yellow and red lasers going through the battlefield, Hater's number go down, but with the number of Watchdogs it was not noticeable.
The Pacifistas were aim at Hater and his ship, but Hater easily blocks it with a force-field. Hater launches a powerful lightning attack at a couple of Pacifista.
It destroyed 7 Pacifistas, the Watchdogs are shot laser at the Pacifistas and some Marines killing / destroying them, the number of Watchdogs are defeating the Marines one after another. It's change the tide of the war more to the pirate, but it don't least for long because of the three Admiral freeze/ used Magma/ shoot laser at the army of Hater.
Popeye eat some Spinach to get more powerful, he grab the ground to take a large chuck of ice and throw it at Watchdogs and Hater. It cause a great number of Watchdogs to " Die" from the impact, but when it was going to hit Hater, Commander Peepers just slap the piece of ice to the sea.
" No one is going to attack my captain, they has to go through me first," as he rips his chest and he comically ripped, he flex his muscles and get even bigger. Hater Pirates were more focused on the Pacifista, the Pacifista and Sentomaru are more focused at the Hater Pirates right now.
Then we go to Whitebeard himself getting ready to fight, Squard was ready to stab Whitebeard in the chest, but it stab sand instead, Crocodile saved Whitebeard and some were even surprised by his actions.
" I only saved you because I want my revenge and I want it to be my hands that kill you instead of a sneak attack by your own crew member," he said it cold, loud, and direct so they will know his reason from saving
Crocodile hold Squard by the throat ready to dehydration his whole body, but Whitebeard stopped him and wanted to ask him why he was going to stab or worse kill him.
It was because Akainu told him that he was going to sell out his allies to get Ace back, he was so blind by rage that he couldn't think properly and trusted Akainu's words.
Whitebeard told Squard that Akainu trick him to attack him so they would win the war, he is a fool for trust the enemy, but he is his son and loves him even if he is a fool. Whitebeard also bring up that he is blaming his son for his father's sins, what has Ace done to him? " We are family Squard, even if you don't see that, but I do.
Squard begin to cry and drops his sword to the ground and went to full blow crying when he was let go. Whitebeard give him a speech that he can't be the strongest forever, but if he can save Ace then he can die happily. He ask every member of his crew to follow him put their lives for it and everyone in his crew is ready to die for Whitebeard.
Whitebeard jump into the Battlefield, Whitebeard moves to the front ones to rush to save Ace, but a giant Vice-Admiral came to stall for time. The Vice-Admiral attack, but Whitebeard easily blocked it and used his devil fruit powers to finish him off.
It cause the island and sea to tilt itself because of Whitebeard, this cause a lot of damage to Marineford and lose of men of Whitebeard action. Thing when back to normal for abit and Whitebeard punch the giant Vice-Admiral, his devil fruit powers still go through and aim at Garp, Admirals, and Sengoku.
The three Admirals block the attack to not cause damage, Luffy was going to launch himself to Ace, but a giant wall comes in to block his way. The Wall surrounded him and cannon aim at them.
Buggy came to the rescue because he uses Chop-Chop Slash on the wall to separate from the ground and they will has a clear path to Ace. Sengoku told Akainu to do it and he used his move " Meteor Volcano," multiple magma fist coming from the sky to burn them to a pile of blood.
Popeye was saving Marines soldiers, Captain, and Vice-Admiral, but when he saw that attack he know that he has to get the injury Marines to safety. Lu Bu and Bullet are easily taking Pacifistas one after another and Bullet use his devil fruit powers to add more durable metal and lasers to his body.
Hater Pirates were dealing with the army of Pacifistas, Hater shield his forces with his force field to get closer to the army to reduce the firepower, but the process was slow because Marines were attacking, he had to focus to keep the force field up and running around is making him tired.
His bones were having muscle pain somehow, he is sweating a bit, his heart is beating very fast and there was a very bad itch on hid back to he can't reach.
Earn 8 billion points from Vice-Admiral, Captains, Pacifistas, Soldiers, Garp, Sengoku, Sentomaru, Three Admiral, Luffy, Ace, Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard, Warlords and everyone in the world watching or listening to the broadcast.
35,646 points for killing or defeating Pacifistas, Vice-Admiral, Captains, Soldiers, Vice-Captains, and son