Blitz tells him the way that society treated them, they treated them like objects that the upper rank to throw around, but you're on top of the food chain so you don't get treated like that.
" Uncle, Stolas made the decision to break up and he don't let me process the information. He is the one that made the deal all about sex, I thought that he was going to abandon me so I just went into my coping mechanics and anger began to come out."
Blaze can tell that he is being honest and saying his thoughts out, it is true that demons show respect and fear to him so he don't get treat like your ordinary imp. " Alright, tomorrow we are going to Stolas's castle to make thing smooth and clear so you get each other.
Blitz gets in one of his nicest suits, he was talking to himself to get convinced to fix the problem he has and not to push Stolas away, but it was not all his fault for that night. Blitz and Blaze go to the door of Stolas's castle and knock on the door, the imp named Pringles opened the door with a tired look on his face.
Pringles look at the two, he just opens the door and let's him go through, Blaze gets him a suitcase with a million souls to make his day and Pringles had a small, gentle smile on his face and nods at Blaze. " Prince Stolas is at where the pool is and reading a book right now."
Blaze gets a thumbs up at Pringles and walks to the pool, the area look as nice as the backyard of Blaze 's mansion and they saw Stolas on a beach chair reading a book. " Hey, Stolas I want to talk about what happened last night," Stolas looks a bit annoyed to see Blitz, but somewhat happy and he looked at the duo.
" Look Stolas about last night, you don't let me process all of the information and I was a bit confused at the beginning, but you don't let me choice and you just walked away from him."
Stolas looked at Blitz with a calm look, Stolas can understand what he is saying without himself being too fragile, emotional, and in his own world right now.
" I'm sorry, I thought that night will fix everything, I should have warn you about that, and I also don't have a plan to have a conversation with you."
The feeling are coming out bit by bit, " You know Striker, he was going to kill you when the Harvest Moon festival was happening, I don't know that you could be hurt. I thought you are immortal and no one can hurt you, but I was wrong and I apologize.
Stolas looked at Blitz with somewhat angry eyes, but he calm down and said " I guess with my position as prince of the Goetia and I am immortal and you didn't know that I can die by angelic weapons, I can see where you're coming from and I accept your apology.
" Blitz, but with everything happening, I just want time for myself and relax. I can go with you on a night out and maybe just enjoy are time with each other."
Blitz can understand being alone and have time to think, but Stolas had a question to Blitz, " Blitz, do you know that there is a anti-Blitzo party."
Stolas give a card of the party to Blitzo and Blitz give it,he finds out that Verosika and Blitzo thinks about the past with Verosika. Blitzo cause Verosika a lot of pain, let her in her vulnerable state and just abandon her when she showed weakness.
" Stolas, I want you to go to this party, you can have fun there and I have a lot of people to apologize there, when I am done with that we will have a fun together alright."
" If you say so, I can give you a disguise to look different so people would recognize you," Stolas looks at Blitz and Blitz give a nod to him, he leaves to say sorry to some people's lives he fucked.
Some people forget Blitz's action, mostly ones that don't have no impact in their lives or improve their life somehow like Southern women and the women that almost kill her in the first episode.
Blitz, Stolas, and Blaze come to the land of the living/Earth, when they were in the car, Stolas give Blitz a hellhound disguise. Blitz is a gray hellhound with white spot on his body and wearing leather jacket and pants.
" Alright Blitz, your name is Ember for now, you will have to act as my bodyguard. I will say that Blaze wanted to come for the food and alcohol, I will act like I am still upset, sad, and depressed about the "Break Up."
Blaze and Blitz give a thumbs up at Stolas, they walked in the house, the place was crowded with people and they are a lot of people that want to kill Blitz because he ruined their lives.
Blaze is having a good time, every demon recognized him and offered him a drink, he happily took him and everyone is having a good time. They tell me that I should fix Blitz up because he ruined their lives, Blaze smile and said " He is trying to fix his problem now, but man you guys should probably let go of your anger at Blitz. You don't have to forgive him, but it's healthy to let things go if you don't, it's already too late."
The other laugh at that, but when they see that some in the party are still on the past and maybe he right about not focusing more on Blitz, but their lives without Blitz. Stolas and Ember were around the food and alcohol, they were just chat about life and some personal matters.
Verosika is walking in to see the newcomer, but she looks at the other person because she don't remember a hellhound like that with Blitz, but who keeps track of Blitz's exs.
" Hey, newcomer or comers, I just want to know how your doing and all. Who are you, you good-looking hellhound and are you single." Verosika is interested in the hellhound because he had a aura about him that is familiar that she like, but hate at the same time.
" Hey Verosika, It's just one newcomer, I am Stolas bodyguard Ember, it's a pleasure to meet you for the first time and yes I am single," Ember give a gentle smile and hold a hand out. Blitz was nervous to see Verosika, but he tried to act the opposite of himself so Verosika don't know its him.(Stolas give Blitz a deep, calm voice that made Verosika more interested for the hellhound.)
Verosika don't expect such the personality for a buff, tall, tough looking hellhound, but it is nice to meet a calm headed hellhound, she shake his hand and offers food and drink to them.
" Stolas, I need you at the backyard so we can do the traditional with all newcomer," Stolas shy follow and looks at Ember/Blitz to see what he should do, but Ember/Blitz give him a thumbs up to give him confidence on what he is going to do.
Verosika introduced Stolas as the newcomer of the party, she is going to make Stolas say a few words, Stolas looked at Ember/ Blitz because he don't want to say anything bad about Blitz when he tried to fix their relationship, he is also trying to his problems so they can be better couple.
Blitz made easy to read hand signs to say " I don't think you can get out of this without problems, you can insult me and think back when he didn't have the best communication. You are good and also this will give me some light about our relationship and the pain I caused."
The Song All 2 U is playing
The song hit hard Blitz/Ember because it told him that he is tries to keep distance away from Stolas, he was act to coldly at Stolas that he made the relationship more tough to make it possible. Blitz can see that Stolas is not putting all the blame on him, happy that both have some self-aware of our flaws and they are trying to change.
Blaze is happy because he made this happen, he made them talk like adults and trying to see what was the problem. Trying to be the wingman that can help clear up some things and the rest is on them and if things get tough then he is willing to help/talk to them.
He is enjoying the party, beating some imp, other demons, and hellhound in drinking game. He is light the place up, they happily let Blaze do that and the anti-Blitzo party turned into a party with still some anti-Blitzo actions, but still just a party.
Blitz give Stolas compliments about his singing skills, Stolas is flustered about Ember/Blitz compliments and somewhat shy away a bit.
Blitz waited until Verosika was alone so he can talk with her alone, Blitz told Stolas that he had to apologize to someone that was or still is a important person in his life.
Verosika looks at Ember who is walk her way and she is ready to act natural, but sexy to him and she thinks that she fell in love with the guy.
" Hi there handsome, what brings you up here," she act as natural, but sexy at the same time. Ember shook his head and laughs at Verosika.
" Will, I want to ask why do she created the anti-Blitzo party and how much you hate Blitz that I keep heard about?" Verosika look at Ember with a curious look, but she feels that she has to answer his questions.
" I created this party to help people that Blitz dump to help them cope with it, I hate him so much, he dump me because I was getting vulnerable and was going to say that I love you, but he dump me in the most shitest way and it was also embarrassing."
She looked emotionally vulnerable and you hug her, he changed his voice to his normal one and says " I am so sorry for what pain I caused and I am trying to be better, I also hope that I can be a close friend if you need it."
Verosika looked at Ember, she know that's Blitz's voice and she put the pieces together and the hellhound infront of her is Blitz, but she don't separate from the hug, she went deeper to the hug.
" I can see that you are changing, but that don't mean that I have forgive you, it's a good start for you and maybe he can get some lunch later in your disguise," she give him a small smile and walk away with a bit of comfort and small tears.
Ember return to Blaze and Stolas having a drinking contest, they were neck to neck and the first to pass out is Stolas. Ember laugh at the sight and grab Stolas to put him to a couch and stay with him.
Blaze smile at the sight of the two and wonder if he should hang out with Pringles and have a guys out with some good friends?