Whitebeard Pirates first step close to save Ace

Whitebeard blocked the magna punch that was heading his way by reflecting it to the city and that annoyed Akainu. They glanced at each other, but Whitebeard just had a smile and taunted Akainu.

Hater is bored of Commander Peepers plan to make a barrier to protect his force to be more efficient to take the enemy down, so when the Pacifista has a wait to charge their beams, Hater took the opportunity to attack him.

Hater charges at them with unparalleled speed, grab one of them and throws it to the other Pacifista. The Pacifista is thrown like a bullets, when it hit the other Pacifista they were completely destroyed into piece and the one that was thrown is in the same condition.

Hater looks at Sentomaru was ready to attack Hater, but Commander Peepers just throat Chop her so she would just be unconscious for a while so they can head to the main battlefield.

Buggy is the only one that not having trouble thanks to his universal Swordmanship, Mihawk is a piece of cake, but the odd thing is that Mihawk look like he's enjoying the fight and becoming stronger. Mihawk is using his all on Buggy, Mihawk had a small smile on his face and Buggy charge to finish him off, but not kill him. (The scar is like that Mihawk give to Zoro)

When Whitebeard was ready to fight Akainu, suddenly he's heart was in pain and spit out blood, this cause the Commander of Whitebeard to look at him. Kizaru was ready to shoot Marco, but Caine kick the beam away and give the snail cam to someone else. Jozu was going to get freeze, but one of the cam crew just in and kicked Aokiji away from Jozu.

Akainu take this chance to get a direct hit on Whitebeard, when that was happening Luffy was too damaged and exhausted to fight anymore. Luffy was desperate to do anything to save Ace, he had Ivankov to use his energy shot on him.

Ivankov rejected the idea of use that because it can probably kill him, but Luffy don't care about that and Ivankov is thinking other way to do this, he remember that Buggy get them the bottle of his blood that can heal injuries.

" Straw Hat, use your bottle that Buggy give you, this will heal you enough to keep you fight," Ivankov looks at Luffy, Luffy completely forgot about the bottles that Buggy give him and he used one of them. His body is rapidly healing and it returned back to his state before he went to Impel Down and Marineford.

Luffy charge back into the battlefield, high ranking Mairnes tired to stop and kill him, but Luffy was just too powerful for them. Cody tired to stop him when everyone around him was down and failed because Cody is just to weak right now to fight Luffy.

Whitebeard is clenching were Akainu hit and he is annoyed that Akainu take a cheat shot on him, but Whitebeard looked pissed at Akainu. Marco was ready to help Whitebeard, but he is shoot by Kizaru and Caine can't block all of them and a Vice-Admiral put sea stone cuffs on him.

Marco got shoot, Jozu and cam member were frozen by Aokiji. The worse part is that Whitebeard get stabbed, shooting with bullets and cannonball, he looked like he is going down.

However, Whitebeard is not the strongest man in the world for nothing, he got up and swing his Murakumogiri at the Marines and they went flying because of the strong winds that Whitebeard caused.

Marines are falling down and hitting other Marines, Sengoku is telling everyone to not hesitate and just attack Whitebeard. Whitebeard after that attack he looks tired and can't stand much longer, but Whitebeard is not willing to go down that easily.

Marines see this and are taking the opportunity when Whitebeard is in his weak state, but member of his crew and Jinbe are infront of the Marines ready to sacrifice their lives to defend him.

Whitebeard is in really weak state that he can't move, Sengoku take the opportunity to kill Ace in front of Whitebeard's eyes. Luffy is running toward Ace, they were ready to kill Ace and Luffy unconscious used Conqueror Haki, Lu Bu, Bullet feel that Conqueror Haki and decide to use their Conqueror Haki to knock out all of the thousand of Marines around them so they can fight in the main battle.

Luffy knock out all of the Marines around the battlefield, this action surprised Sengoku ans all of the pirate and Marines that don't know that the kid had Conqueror Haki and this action made Whitebeard rise up again. Whitebeard used his devil fruit to blow the Marines away, Buggy just fighting against Kizaru and Aokiji with little effort.

Buggy is just using swordmanship to easily make the two Admiral a bit worried about his power level, the two attack Buggy so many times and in the end there is not a scratch on him. The two used combo moves that look powerful, but Buggy with a swing of his sword that attack was easily blocked. Buggy just playing with the two Admiral and he will enter the fight if things get dicey.

Whitebeard is looking at Luffy, " Straw Hat Luffy, it's up to you with all your strength to SAVE ACE!!!" Things went quiet for a couple of seconds and Kizaru order someone to stop Straw Hat Luffy from getting any closer.

Luffy was going to be attacked by a injured Mihawk with a small smile on his face, Don Bonez blocked the attack, Luffy asked why he blocked the attack and he only said " President order, stop wasting time and GO," Bon said the last part with some force.

Mihawk looked at him and said his name, that caused Don to attack Mihawk and he was easily defeated. Ivankov came to defeat Mihawk, but he failed and even with his weakened state Mihawk is still hanging on strong.

Mihawk tired to attack Luffy again, but Crocodile come in to save Luffy, Crocodile tells Mr. 1 that he's getting rusty and Mr. 1 told Crocodile that it's because he has been in prison for a long period of time.

What is happening?

Are the Marines going to win this.

Whitebeard is a true monster.

This world is losing a lot of lives.

I think they should stop so the Marines can go back to their family.

Those were the word of the people around the world watching the the broadcast of this war, some were worried, some were terrified, and some don't like that people are losing their lives for a person even if it's the son of Gold D. Roger.

Whitebeard crew and Jinbe were defending Whitebeard from coming Marines. " Whitebeard ask a question to Jinbe " Jinbe, what are you doing, you should be backing up the brat to save Ace," Jinbe just smile at Whitebeard.

" I don't belong to the Whitebeard Pirates so I don't have to follow your orders," they both smile at each other and focused on the battle. Ivankov ask Inazuma to help out snd he didn't mind and use his devil fruit to cut a piece of the floor to make a bridge up to Ace.

The Marines aimed their guns at Luffy, but Whitebeard's Commander cut them all down and Lufgy was still run to Ace. Garp, The Hero of the Marines, Grandpa of Luffy is going to fight his own grandson to stop him. Lu Bu and Bullet see that Garp is coming in to fight and the run faster so they can get in the fight to stop Garp and save Ace.

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