Almost Ended

Buggy's hand is handling Akainu back for a bit, but it still hurt that he is using his bare hands to stop that, his adaptation thanks to Ken/System is helping a lot.

Akainu cover Buggy's hand with magma so it would cold down so it would turn into obsidian and Buggy can't use that hand until he break out of the obsidian.Buggy is kinda of scared of what is going to happen, but with Ken/System he don't need to worry and he can easily knock out Admiral, however the Admiral are very stubborn to give down easily.

Aokiji and Kizaru are out of breath with fighting Buggy, they noticed that Buggy is just playing with them and at the same time help them improve. When Akainu was going to walk past, Buggy hand broke out and punch Akainu with haki.

Akainu flinch a bit and attacked attack again, Akainu keep missing because of Buggy's speed and observation haki. Akainu tried a couple of things like control his magma midair to hit the hand, creating magma creatures that he can control, or creating a mini gun that shoots magma and obsidian shades at the same time.

Buggy's hand had to grab one of the shades to use as a sword to block most of the attacks, but Jine used his Fishman Karate to create multiple water bullets to counter the magma and obsidian shards and Jinbe is almost at his limit.

Jinbe also is improving his Fishman Karate even more, his durability is improving with the constant attack, his speed and reaction time is slow improving.

Luffy and Ace are also improving with versatility with their devil fruit, their strength is also improving with their speed and reaction time with everything. Akainu was distracted by Buggy's hand and others he felt a presence behinds them.

The large figure is making his body to decide to run away, but he can't and that person is Whitebeard and Whitebeard rises his hand and uses his devil fruit powers.

The punch with his devil fruit powers caused him to slam Akainu to the ground with strength pressure and if Akainu don't use his colorless haki he would have died. Whitebeard don't stopped at one punch, he goes and tried another punch, but Akainu just barley evasive the attack.

The three punch Whitebeard was going to punch was interrupted with Akainu' attack hell hound, Whitebeard was going to died, but thoughts of his children/crew is in his mind and punched Akainu on the side with his devil fruit powers.

The power that Whitebeard caused the whole Marineford to collapse on itself, Popeye is saving Marines from falling into the bottom, Hater used his barrier to surround his army to levitate up and not on the ground.

Lu bu and Bullet are easily jump from rubble to rubble and defeat Marines on the way and going towards Sengoku and Garp from getting any closer to Ace and Luffy. Sengoku tried to use his impact wave to get Lu Bu and Bullet out of the way.

Lu Bu just slaps the impact wave away with his Lance, Garp and Bullet are having close combat with haki and Bullets is doing alright with Garp. Bullet knows that Garp wants his grandson to survive this so he is using Bullet as a excuse to not get Luffy and Ace. Unfortunately, Sengoku got Lu Bu, Sengoku read his files and his strength is unbelievable strong, even people with haki this guy just one shot them always.

It look like Lu Bu is training to get a few warm ups with Sengoku, that made Sengoku angry and he attack and attack. However, Lubu just keeps slapping them away like they are simple attack and not worth his time.

Teach laughs with his loud echo and greet his father/Whitebeard, Teach smiles with malice and Whitebeard with a serious face that says disgusted. Blackbeard explained that he wanted the warlord title to enter Impel Down and get powerful pirate in that prison.

Sengoku looked frustrated at Blackbeard actions and it sick him to the core, Whitebeard use his devil fruit powers to attack Blackbeard and his crew, that cause also for the Marines to get attacked as well.

The attack hit directly on him, but it look like the attack do nothing to them and Whitebeard also wanted to take Teach's life to avenge his 4th division Thatch. Both used their devil fruit powers on each other, but Teach is canceling them with his darkness and Whitebeard decided to use his Murakumogiri to slash Blackbeard cross the chest.

Teach is on the ground in pain, he was begging for his life and Whitebeard attack can causing some damage on Teach. Whitebeard only need one more attack to kill Teach, Whitebeard don't move for a good couple of seconds and Whitebeard Pirates thought that he died.

Whitebeard moved and was going to use his devil fruit powers to kill him, but at the last second Teach takes out his flintlock gun and fired a shot right on the chest. Whitebeard stepped back because of the pain, Teach order his crew to end Whitebeard's life and they do so.

Teach's crew fired bullet after bullet, slash after slash and they only stopped when they thought that Whitebeard is died or at least on hislast breath.

Whitebeard thought in his mind what the plan that Buggy give him," Whitebeard, I have some something or someone to bring you back to the dead, you will have a second chance and the Marines will think that you're dead."

Whitebeard was still alive and that shocked Teach, Whitebeard said that he wasn't the one to be the Pirate King and Whitebeard already know will be the Pirate King, he has a image of Luffy's face with a smile.

He smiles at Sengoku who is blocked by Lu Bu, Sengoku had a face with terror that marked his face. Whitebeard take a large deep breath and said the word that hid history.

" THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

When those words were said, the world feel like it stopped time and the people in the whole world don't saw a word. Whitebeard had memories with his children and had thought " I'll see you soon and Buggy good luck big nose," everything went black for Whitebeard.


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