The true End

Ken looks at Buggy who is crying a little odd Whitebeard's death and Ken looks at the expensive skill that he can help and make Buggy probably the most wanted in the One Piece world.

- 20 billion points for a two new skills, it may look like a bunch of points were waste, but this skills will make Buggy overpowered even those who were true overpowered will fear him because of this one skill.

Buggy easily injured the two Admiral that he was fighting, even if they use their full power Buggy is easily be call the winner. They were holding back as well because they will lose a lot of men and even Marineford if they don't hold back.

They stand down because of their injuries and they were exhausted because they were fighting Buggy and they can tell that Buggy is training them for a odd reason when they were fight, but that was no important.

Buggy start running were Luffy and Ace are at because he is suppose to protect them and that what he is going to do. Buggy noticed that Blackbeard's crew is putting a large blanket were Whitebeard was with Blackbeard.

Buggy took note of that, but is focused with protecting Luffy and Ace and Luffy give Ace Buggy's blood to heal his wounds. This will give him high chances to live and get stronger because Buggy's blood gets adaptability to whoever drinks it.

Hater and his army is easily defeating Marines without losing more man because of Hater's barrier, Buggy tells Hater that they are leave and Hater ordered his army to go back to the ship.

Lu Bu and Bullet looked at their opponents, they use Armament haki to deal them big damage. Garp is somewhat alright, but that attack do some damage.

Sengoku on the other is looking terrible because with Lu Bu's stong attack with Armament haki do some big damage on him, but he can still fight.

The two headed were Buggy's location was and Bullet looks like he is having his time of his life, causing trouble, having a super strong captain, and that person he thought was weak is a powerhouse that turn the world upside down.

A feeling of a earthquake was happening, what was causing it look like a glowing light of red and orange on the ground. The ground cracked and its Akainu, Akainu tried to finish Ace quickly as possible, however Buggy blocked the magma punch with his bare hands without Armament haki.

" Go up ahead guys, I will deal with Akainu alone and go to the ship that look like a skull that's one of my crew members in the New World.

The group listened to Buggy and ran to the skull-shaped ship, Akainu use his magma to shape a bat so he can hurt me because he saw the split his body parts so he is immune to slash attacks so blunt weapons are his only option.

He turn it into obsidian so it will keep its shape and fused with haki to deal big damage, he swing his obsidian bat at Buggy, however when it hit Buggy it shaded to pieces.

Akainu quickly reacts with two hell hound to the chest, however Buggy just slaps them away and punches him on the chest with Armament haki. Akainu use his magma mini gun to get constant attack on Buggy.

Buggy just tanks the constant attack, the constant attack burn his flesh, but regenerate it back and his adaptability and regeneration is leveling up.

Blackbeard's crew got rid of the large black blanket to saw Blackbeard with a menacing smile. Blackbeard is going to saw his power, but Buggy noticed that Blackbeard's position is like when Whitebeard uses his devil fruit powers.

Blackbeard was going used Whitebeard's devil fruit powers to destroy what remains of Marineford, but unexpectedly Buggy use Whitebeard's devil fruit powers to counter Blackbeard's attack and it destroyed what remains of Marineford.

Blackbeard is dumbfounded of what Buggy do, he thought he would be the only one in history that has multiple devil fruit. Buggy's crew aim the snail at Buggy to get a good look at him and Buggy spoke.

" You know that a devil fruit is powerful because of its user, if my devil fruit is about slash, so what happens if you get a small piece of your opponent and that piece goes into you? You will get the traits of your opponent like so," as Buggy's arm is turned into darkness.

" Thanks to this war, I go some impressive devil fruit and skills and even got some piece of Gold D. Roger and Vice Captain Rayleigh Sliver," Buggy smile at the snail and give classic Buggy smile with a peace sign.

Everyone who watching and listening were going crazy about Buggy's ability and how powerful it was. Some were fearful, some were curious, and some wanted Buggy's devil fruit powers.

Rayleigh look surprised, but that surprised look turn into a smile and Rayleigh said " Man, that brat sure is strong, that means he got this ability when Roger was still alive to do this. Buggy, you surpassed Shanks a long time ago and I'm happy for how far along you are."

Touch Gain Max Level :Whatever or whoever you touch you gain that thing or someone's skill state and ability, but you had to touch them in some point of your entire life.

Buggy used his speed to touch every pirate, Marines, Supernova, and Admiral in the battlefield and his speed was so fast that no one can see him or trace him with Observation haki so he get a lot of new skills and abilities.

Blackbeard looked at Buggy with a hate that can't be match, but all so respect because he used the war to gain something out of it like him so he is impressed at Buggy's ability.

Blackbeard is angry that his two devil fruit powers look less impressive than God D. Buggy infront of him and Buggy has a silly smile, but also a menacing one when he looks at Blackbeard's angry face.

" Who are you trying to impress with two measly fruit you weakling," those word caused Blackbeard's veins to pop out of his head and attack Buggy with his two devil fruit powers.

Buggy uses Blackbeard's devil fruit powers to neglect Whitebeard's devil fruit powers and Buggy's darkness is more darker and stronger than Blackbeard's darkness so Blackbeard's darkness was eaten by Buggy's darkness. Buggy looked at Blackbeard with a bored face like a true beast fighting a prideful street dog to see how long it would survive?

" If I can't attack your directly then I will destroy Marineford to the seas so I can drown you," as Blackbeard looked annoyed and angry at Buggy's look towards himself.

Sengoku came into the battle between Buggy and Blackbeard to take out Blackbeard so he don't kill more Marines that are unnecessary to die. Blackbeard and his crew take that attack and Blackbeard is going to attack Sengoku to see if he can withstand Gura Gura no mi.

Sengoku withstand the attack even in his injured state to protect the Marines, Buggy goes back were Luffy and Ace were with Jinbe, Ivankov is at least slowing down Akainu from getting close to them.

" Ivankov we are retreat, go to the ship that look like a skull and I will tell everyone to retreat," as Buggy gets a message to the ones on the battlefield that drink Buggy's blood to retreat to a ship that look like a skull.

Buggy's crew were confused, but do what they were tell and retreat to were the ship that look like a skull and they retreat on a better moment because the battle Blackbeard and Sengoku were going to reach them.

Akainu has a opportunity to attack the brothers and Jinbe, he launched a magma punch to Jinbe who grab Ace and Luffy to protect them.

The attack launched on Jinbe's back, but it also the attack went through him and get Luffy and Ace. Luffy know has a burn mark on his chest that is zhaped like a X and Ace has a circle on his chest that has razor edges.

Akainu looked like he was going to attack again, however a sand slash cut Akainu in half and launched them to were the skull ship is and Buggy grabs them and flies them towards the ship.

Jinbe drinks two of Buggy's blood to heal him and also get some energy and he can see that his body is change a bit, but it's not to noticeable in appearance.

Another ship is coming to the surface and it look like a submarine, the guy that shout that he's Law and a doctor come to help them.

Buggy looks at Luffy and Ace injuries and they don't look to serious, but if they are not treated at a certain time those injuries are going to get infected and he send the down so he can stop the chaos that Blackbeard is going to cause.

Blackbeard is going to use Whitebeard's devil fruit powers to cause quake to destroy the area around, when it was getting started Popeye punched the ground and the quake and waves stopped.

" I fight Whitebeard many times and I know how to stopthe Gura Gura no mi ability with just brute force," Popeye gets up from the crater he caused and lit his pipe, he take a large swing of it and looks at Blackbeard coldly.

Luffy and Ace are quickly rushed to the submarine to heal the wounds, Kizaru was going to attack one more attack on the brothers, but he stopped and looked at Cody who is infront of Akainu.

Cody tells that it's time to stop fighting, they get Whitebeard who is the strongest man in the world and the person who knows were or least know what the one piece is. That should be enough, Marines are die at this moment and they have families waiting for them. We are wasting people lives and those numbers are going to increase by the minute if they don't stop his war.

Akainu was going to attack Cody, but a sword stopped the attack and it was Red Haired Shanks. Buggy is the most shocked because he is seeing his old friend here of all places, Shanks said that he is here to end this war.

Luffy and Ace are inside the submarine and Law is check their body, it looks like their inside were damage by Akainu attack and Law has to do some serious surgery to fix this.

Buggy and Shanks are having their aguring like brothers, but they both stop and walk side by side. Mihawk looks at the scene and leave because the agreement said that he's fighting Whitebeard, not Shanks. Mihawk looks with a small smile well having a quick look at Buggy and in his mind says " We are going to have another duel with swords another day Buggy D. Clown," with respect by " saying" he's full name.

" If you want to fight then we are up to that," both Shank and Buggy said, Shank crew is behind him and Buggy has Bon Clay, Mr. 3, Crocodile, Caine, Lu Bu, Bullet, Hater, Commander Peepers, and the Watchdogs itching for a fight expect for Mr. 3.

The Marines were scared about seeing two powerhouse who were in Roger's crew ready to fight him with menacing line up. Sengoku agreed with end the war and he will take the blame, but he ordered to treat the wounded.

However, everything that was damage buildings, wounded or died went back to normal because Buggy used the Time Time fruit to return what is lost. The Marine who were died don't want what to do they were confused and it look like nothing happened to Marineford.

" This is just a gift to you so you would be at least less trouble, I also want my Bounty to be over a billion got it," Sengoku had a shocked expression, but nodded at Buggy's kindness and true power potential is.

The war has ended and Blackbeard fled because he knows that he can'twin against Shanks, also they got the body of Whitebeard and Buggy looked proud of what he accomplished, but he can't say that he do it alone. Buggy has a better way to revive Whitebeard body, his strength, health, and get him a couple years younger, he will be stronger even surpass his prime if Ken and Buggy do this right.

Shanks looked at Buggy with surprised eyes and thought that he can talk with Buggy later with his powers. Buggy's crew and some Whitebeard's crew sail on Hater's ship with Commander Peepers and the Watchdogs beside Shanks's ship.

40, 000,000,646 - 20 billion = 20,000,000,646 points