The New Era Begins

Everyone that saw the Navy got defeated were shocked, but some were happy that Whitebeard died, some were terrified by Blackbeard's new power, and some were ready to go to the New World to find the One Piece.

They were those that saw Buggy has a kind person because he fixed Marineford and he revived died Marines, the losses would hurt the Marines for losing a lot of soldiers.

They were people that wanted to join Buggy's crew and Blackbeard's crew because of their powers, but people really want to join Buggy's crew.

On a random island they were Buggy's crew, Luffy, Ace, Jinbe, Hancock, and etc. People were waiting for Luffy and Ace to receive for Akainu's attack.

It will leave a mark on those two, they're inside are fucken burn to the crisp and they have broken bones. Law comes out of the operation room and says " It was difficult to repair all the damage parts, but they only need food and sleep for a couple weeks if we're lucky they heal that fast."

Everyone celebrate that Luffy and Ace were going to live and Buggy goes to the Whitebeard 's corpse to get ready for his revive him. Buggy uses half of his remaining points to revive Whitebeard with age immune, turn him into his prime, give him regenerate, and disease and poison immune.

When Buggy looked tired because it requires a lot of energy to revive strong person after you revive a whole army. Buggy sit down with a dramatic sigh and Whitebeard woke up with the best sleep for his whole life. Whitebeard looks at his body and says " I don't care how or who do it, I just want to see my children."

Whitebeard looks at the tired Buggy that gives a nod at him and shows him the way to the whole group. The Whitebeard's crew were getting the grave ready to put Whitebeard's body into," What are you knucklehead doing building a grave, Buggy revive all my children," Whitebeard comes out the forest.

This shocked Whitebeard's crew and Shanks because they thought that Whitebeard couldn't be revive by Buggy because he don't get revive in Marineford.

The Whitebeard's crew were slient for a good minute and rush towards Whitebeard like a wave, Whitebeard got tackled by his children and just laughed at their actions.

Shanks waves Buggy over so they can take and says " So Buggy when could you do this and how?" Buggy looks at Ken, Ken tells him to say what he is going to say with a nuertal face.

" When we were with Captain and after you forced me to eat the devil fruit I was going to sell, I had some unique ideas with my devil fruit and this is one of them. I use my devil fruit to cut a small piece of everyone on the crew and get their skills and strength."

Shanks looks at Buggy that has a serious face, he remember that Toki had the Time-Time devil fruit and the only thing he could have revive is by using Toki's fruit to Rewind time on Whitebeard into his prime.

Buggy nods at what Shanks is thinking, Shanks waves a goodbye to Buggy," See you in the New World," Buggy gets annoyed looks at Shanks and when he's not there he smiled.

He can see people eating expect for law who was going to leave, however Buggy throws a snail at Law to call him if he needs something, Law takes the snail and leaves with his crew in the submarine.

Buggy grabs a large amount of food were Luffy is, but Hancock has a mancing look towards Buggy and he just ignores her because she can't really hurt him permanently.

Hancock was going to kick Buggy, but he split Hancock's leg from her body and the legs was stuck floating there. " You bring a lot of food that can feed a few dozen people so don't try to hit me pr else," Buggy put the leg back and enjoy his food with Whitebeard who was drink his rice brew.

" How Whitebeard join my crew, I want to create a strong crew and change the world upside," Whitebeard looks at Buggy with a eye with interest and nods.

" Sure kid, I know you're stronger then myself and you give him a second chance on lifeso I don't see why not," Whitebeard's crew was shocked about Whitebeard accepting Buggy's invite to join his crew and now Whitebeard's pirate joined Buggy's crew.

" Now that I forming a new crew what should we called us." Buggy ask on general from his crew and Crocodile step up.

" I had a plan to call my new organization, but what if we call ourselves CROSS GUILD," Crocodile wide his arm for some charm when he yelled out the name.

" I like it, that's what we are going to call the crew," Buggy looked the name it sounded cool and menacing to say, also Ken like the name as well so they both agreed on the name.

Ace and Luffy are just chatting with what happened and Ace just dumbfounded that the Whitebeard Pirates are joining Buggy's crew, but he's just wants to enjoy his time with Luffy.

Rayleigh was there to train Luffy and Ace so they will survive the New World because they are some strong powerhouse there. Luffy wanted to tell his crew that he is going to train for two years.

Luffy had an idea, he wanted to go to Marineford and pull out two fingers to the camera and mouth out years. The world is confused about Luffy's actions, but his crew knows that Luffy is telling that he is going to be gone for 2 years, they think that he is training to get stronger so they should as well.

Buggy give Luffy and Ace transponder snails and give the remaining points to them to become stronger and now Buggy has 0 points. Buggy decided to go to the New World to go to Karai Bari Island for their new base of operations and also go to the New World to protect Whitebeard's islands.

A GOD WAS NOW GOING TO THE NEW WORLD AND IT'S GOING TO BE CHAOS. Buggy and Ken do the Sukuna and Mahito laughing together when entering the New World and the laughter creep out some of his crew. Mr. 3, Bon Clay, Crocodile were ready for the new challenges and treasures.

Lu Bu and Bullet are just working out and enjoy the food and drinks. Hater, Commander Peepers, and the Watchdogs are having random chats and military plans.

Caine is with Whitebeard having fun, Caine and Marco have become best friends after a short period of time. Buggy is getting half the points after the end of Marineford.

Buggy and Ken were shocked after a few hours entering the New World, Big Mom and Kaido reaction to Marineford and their power cause him to earn 5 billion each out of the two.

4 billion + 5 billion + 5 billion = 14 billion points