Fishman Island 1

When the crew was going to get off their ship, a group of fishman were coming up to him, but they don't look friendly and have killing intent towards him.

" Well, Well, what do we have here some humans that are wanting to go to Fishman Island and inslave fishman," Hammond says every word with hate and disturbed at the sight of humans.

Wel...," he stopped at what he was going to say next because of the massive killing intent that Lu Bu has and Hammond recognized Lu Bu the War Machine, one of Cross Guild pirate and have 3 billion 400 million berries on his wanted poster.

Hammond's face turn into fear and also has his group, he made a fake smile and said " Welcome to Fishman Island, if you want to go to enjoy with food and entertainment you can follow us," Hammond and the others are sweat bullets because of Lu Bu's presence.

Patrick Redfield was ready to kill the fishman in front of them, but Lu Bu stopped him and his expression said that we will kill them later and Patrick just stands calmly next to Lu Bu.

Hammond lead them to the luxury area of Fishman Island, but Hannyabal and his group don't enter because of Neptune's army and leave with Lu Bu is not looking at them.


Alvida and the others come back with news about the Straw hats, Sanji is at a hospital because he was blooding to death for seeing women. Luffy is at a fortune teller's place with Usopp.

The group walked to the fortune teller's place to found Luffy and his crew because Buggy order Lu Bu to protect Luffy from the problem that was going to happen in Fishman Island.

The soldiers don't arrest them because kingdom buys weapons from Cross Guild and if they arrest them that can cause Cross Guild to not sell their goods so they turn a blind eye when seeing the group.

The group finally found Luffy and the Straw hats and when Luffy looked at Lu Bu he jumped towards Lu Bu. Luffy hugged Lu Bu and Luffy with a smile said " Uncle Lu Bu, it been a while, how is uncle Buggy doing, can we have a party later?" Lu Bu just laughed at Luffy that still acted like a child, Lu Bu smiled and said " It has been a while Luffy, Buggy doing alright with Cross Guild and we can later," Lu Bu grab Luffy by his shirt and puts him to the ground gently.

Patrick remembers that boy, he respects him for going to Impel Down to Marineford to just get his brother and his future crew member. He don't want to kill the kid, also Lu Bu tell him that Buggy wanted the boy safe from a future plan for a free world without Celestial Dragon.

They all went to the large fish taxi, but Luffy is surprised to see Alvida that hehind him and Alvida made a sex pose at Luffy and went up.

Luffy was confused about the pose, but he just went up the fish taxi and they went to Pappag's shop. When they left Shyarly had scream because of the future. Shyarly saw that they are two way the future with be, she saw the whole world free and happy. She saw that Luffy will destroy Fishman Island and she don't want to take the chance, she wants the Straw hats to be throw out.

When they were in front of the shop, Buggy's old crew and the Straw hats heard a familiar coming inside and it's Nami who is complaining that the clothing is too expensive to buy. In the end the Straw hats got all of the clothing in Pappag's shop and basically got everything for free.

When they got out of the shop, Neptune who showed up to give them a invite to the Ryugu Palace, they all agreed to go and Lu Bu is walking away to the sea.

" Lu Bu what are you going to do now, another captain orders," Patrick Redfield looks at Lu Bu because Buggy has give Lu Bu a lot of order and not only getting the Poneglyph.

" I am getting potential crew member for Buggy, but they are in danger so I has to stop that danger," Lu Bu runs out of Fishman Island to the sea, but he can handle all the pressure of the whole sea of water.

Lubu isn't having a hard time, he look like he is swimming like a causal swim and in a couple of seconds he arrives just before Hody Jones and he landed on the deck.

" Who are you, wait I know you, you're Lu Bu D. Housen the War Machine from Cross Guild," Captain Gyro of the Gyro pirate had a hint of fear before that turn into I'm going to shit myself when Hody Jones appears.

Hody is a grey-skinned great white shark fish-man. He had a large belly, with a tattoo of the New Fish-Man Pirates design on the right side as well as a long scar on the left, and muscular arms and legs. His facial features include glaring eyes, with long and distinctive eyelashes, a mouth full of sharp, triangular teeth, and a stub nose. He had long black curly hair, with a long tuft hanging on the left part of his face. His left arm is intricately tattooed, with the Arlong Pirates' Jolly Roger near the wrist and several circular designs above it ending with two skulls on the upper arm; he also has some spikes protruding from his bare wrist and circling it all, possibly decorative piercings.

He sported a pink newsboy cap, with a little trident represented on the left side, bearing a resemblance to the same weapon he was sometimes seen carrying around, and a massive scarf seemingly made from a dog-like animal around his neck, with the animal's head hanging on the left side of his chest. Wearing a red open shirt with short sleeves, a wide collar and dark-red spots on the lower part, short blue trousers with a similar pattern but with light-blue spots, a pink sash tied around the waist, and sandals.

He shows up to show the strong of a fishman with iron handcuffs they seem rough, but Hody easily breaks him and does some damage to the ship. Lu Bu comes in and stop his attack with one hand and throw him to the side.

Hody charges, but with one punch in the gut by Lu Bu he's knocked out because Lu Bu wants Luffy to gain battle experience with more ruthless opponents and the only reason that he is alive.

In Hody's mind when getting knocked out, " How can a human be this strong, that can be possible, fishman are superior beings, NEXT TIME HE IS DIED.

Lu Bu grabbed the ship and swims to Fishman Island again, " You are now part of Cross Guild Pirate because I save your lives got it," Gyro and his crew's eyes were shining with stars at their new boss and happy join the Cross Guild Pirates to be Lu Bu's subordinates.

" Now that figure out we have a party to go to and have fun," Lu Bu goes to the direction of the Ryugu Palace.