Fishman Island 2

When Lu Bu walks back to the Palace he sees some mud moving towards mermaids, but Lu Bu though that may be a logic devil fruit and that can be a good asset for Cross Guild.

Lu Bu walked between the mermaids and the mud and stumped the mud away with the wind pressure he caused. Lu Bu recognized the guy when he was looking at wanted poster and what pirate would be a good assets to Cross Guild. White-haired Caribou, bounty is 210,000,000 berries and has the Swamp-Swampdevil fruit that has a endless storage. This would be a good asset to the crew because they can put endless supplies and make sneak attack if they need to.

Caribou is a tall man with dark skin and dark hair reaching down to his shoulders, a distinctive wet-looking tuft giving him his epithet, and a beard in the shape of a whirl going upwards on his chin. He has intimidating eyes with many circles around the pupils with dark and medium green central heterochromia, pointed ears, and long limbs. He has a long tongue which is often seen sticking out.

He wears a coat which appears to be made of fur, dark on the outside and lighter and spotted on the inside (similar to a leopard's), draped over his shoulders like a cape, dark pants and shoes, and an extremely long-sleeved shirt with a Cross fleury-like design on the chest. With the way he wears his shirt, concealing his arms under his long sleeves, it resembles an unbuckled straitjacket.

Caribou recognized Lu Bu the War Machine from Cross Guild and before he can run away Lu Bu punched him to be unconscious for a couple of seconds and that activated Total Control on Caribou.

Caribou slowly wake up and looked scared to be hit again and acts like a obedient pet. " You are going to join Cross guild and that going to join me army got that," Lu Bu has a poker face that is intimidating face and Caribou just obediently agreed.

Lu Bu waved the mermaids away to tell them that the problem is solved and they walked back to the Ryugu Palace with a new crew members. Alvida thought that guy looks disgusting, the other think that the guy is a weird, but they don't trust the guy easily.

He used observation haki to find the Straw hats, especially Luffy because he's a entrancing guy to be around with. He grabbed everyone and put them on his back, he jumped up and used his legs to create air pressure to look like he is flying.

Lu Bu just got back just in time because they were going to enter the palace and King Neptune give them Bubbly Coral to give them a area to breathe because most of the Palace is filled with sea water.

Then everyone expect Lu Bu and Luffy has sweat drop on their head because King Neptune is being scolded by a type of seahorse fishman that is angry because he went to the lower areas of Fishman Island and with guards.

Things could have gone wrong if he was unlucky, Lu Bu is just laughing at King Neptune's behavior. Luffy is just whining about being hungry.

When Lu Bu was do laughing he sees Luffy sniffing the air to find food, Lu Bu followed him to keep him out of trouble, Lu Bu give Patrick a sign to stay and protect him if anything happens.

Patrick is find with that because he got his friend, Pato is dancing and looking around at the amazing sites. Also Patrick don't want to have fight right now because he likes the peace and quiet he has now.

Lu Bu and Luffy followed themselves at a hallway that seems that it has no seawater in it, Luffy saw a fishman going in there and dropping food there. He thought that the banquet was going to be there, but Lu Bu is smarter and say weapons on the iron door.

It may mean that someone is trying to break the door for something valuable or someone. He probability of someone behind those doors is very high so Lu Bu is having a calm face to slowly observe.

Luffy opened the door with a careless attitude, the room is dark and poorly lit probably because they are sleeping right now. Luffy launch himself to what Lu Bu is guessing a large bed and he sees that he is jumping something.

Lu Bu can see the shape of a person and figure that he is jumping on a large book of a mermaid and he shook his head at Luffy's careless because he could have figured that this is a bedroom of someone important.

It was to late because they got flashbang because of someone turning on the lights and they saw a large woman in front of us. She has very long, flowing pink hair with an anko-filled taiyaki hairgrip. Her breasts are large, even relative to her giant-like size, and much of her upper body is exposed. Her broadly striped tail ends in a ruffle around her waist. She tends to have blush marks on her cheeks.

Shirahoshi began to cry because she thought that pirate come to kill him and shout for someone to save here. Lu Bu and Luffy tried to come here down, but with her loud voice it was impossible.

Lu Bu and Luffy heard someone spinning towards them, a large axe was heading towards Shirahoshi, but the two of them stopped it and it hit the ground.

The others were wondering when the banquet was going to start, but they were surrounded with fishman guard because of Shyarly prediction is leading to the terrible future. Patrick and Pato were ready to fight if anything too extreme happens.

Luffy and Lu Bu heard guards coming so Lu Bu grabbed Luffy and went under the pillow of the bed and they hid because Lu Bu don't know what is happening so he wants information.

Lu Bu listened to the guards and Lu bu found out that they were trying to find them and arrest them for some reason, thankfully Shirahoshi lied about not seeing the two. The guards were questioning how this axe come in here, but they're 5 minutes were up so they give the axe and left.

They come out of hiding and eat a bit(Lu Bu just eat a bit) and Shirahoshi explained about why she is lock up in this room, it's because of a fishman Vander Decken IX is trying to kill her. With his Mark-Mark devil fruit he can easily kill her. The reason why is she refused to marry him so he is trying to kill her and that the reason she is lock up in this room.

Lu Bu is listening to every detail, but Luffy was complaining that he's hungry, but he stopped because Lu Bu hit his head and hurt like Garp's fist.

The other group take out half of the guards around the area, Patrick and Pato just give a chop to the neck and they were knocked and Patrick is just drinking a bottle of wine to enjoy the limited peace and quiet. Alvida and the gang were also easily defeating these guys.

King Neptune was going to attack him, but Zoro blocked it because he wanted to join in the fun and thank to Nami "founding" a large Bubbly Coral to let him fight freely.

With Shirahoshi, Luffy is being rude/honest with her and Lu Bu hit him. " Luffy can you see that she has a mind of a 10 year child and is sensitive to words."

" Why should I care about that," Luffy just lays himself on the bed. " Luffy, you act like you're still 10 years old and don't understand people's feelings so just be nice and have some manners," as Lu Bu hits Luffy again because of his understanding of other people's feelings that aren't his crew.

The others tied them up with rope and King Neptune with chains, Nami was going to ask a important question and that WAS where is the treasure room. One of the reasons that the lost easily because Neptune break his back because without the water help him not putting weight on his back it easily break.

When Usopp was do shouting at the Straw hats, Patrick heard a ring from a snail so he picked it up and heard a deep voice.

" Hi, who is this."

" Open the gate."

" You must have mistakenly got mix us with one of your guards, I am Patrick Redfield."

" ( This he part of the Straw hats or Cross Guild l?)" Zoro take the snail and talk with Fukaboshi.

" I am Pirate Hunter Zoro, we got King Neptune and other as hostage and the only thing we want is where is are ship, new coating, and all of my crew members."

" Fine, but I want all hostage alive and you immediately leave Fishman Island."

" That's fine with me."

"I don't know where your ship is so I send search team and I also get two messages from Jinbe."

" Don't fight against Hordy and he is waiting at the Sea Forest."

Fukaboshi leaves to find the Straw hats and his crew members and suddenly a explosion happened in the direction of the princess and Patrick Redfield runs towards to with Pato.

He smells blood in this direction so something is happening and he is right because he sees a group of pirates with weapons at the princesses door.

Luffy had a dumb idea that Lu Bu has slapped his face so hard that caused air pressure to shoot around, but it's the only idea so he helps Luffy stuff the princess into the princesses pet shark's mouth. They ride the shark out and destroy the door.

Quickly grabbed all of the pirate and tied them up with fabric that he find and watched Luffy leave with the princess. The pirate are trying to get out of the fabric, but they can and they look desperate because their lives are on the line.

" We don't want to die so please tell us we're is the princess," as they has faces of fear because New Fish-Man Pirates can do something worse then death.

" IF YOU WANT TO LIVE THEN JOIN CROSS GUILD AND I WILL PROTECT YOU FROM YOUR ENEMY," they recognize the guy, Lu Bu the War Machine and they instantly cried and happily joined Cross Guild."

Lu Bu used Buggy's second devil fruit to rewind time to get them into their prime and in healthy condition. He also rewind time on the dead pirate that died during the impact of what or who throw them. The pirate told him and the group it was a guy named Vander Decken IX throw them here with his devil fruit.

Lu Bu has a darkened face when he heard that name and jump towards the direction of Luffy and the princess. Lu Bu used his legs to create air pressure to fly again with faster pace. When a couple of minutes Lu Bu can see the shark with Luffy on top of it and they were below the Sea Forest were Jinbe is at.